The Good, the Bad & the Corny: Radioactive

The Good, the Bad & the Corny: Radioactive

Action,Comedy 2020 13 Episodes
The Good, the Bad & the Corny: Radioactive
The Good, the Bad & the Corny: Radioactive is a comedy-action serial, which narrates the adventures Pejman and Sam face after being kidnapped.


The Good, the Bad & the Corny: Radioactive
Name The Good, the Bad & the Corny: Radioactive
Country Iran
Production Year2020
number of episodes13 Episodes
DirectorMohsen Chegini
ProducerMohsen Chegini
Legal preparer Filimo

Islamic Culture and Communication Organization is one of the Iranian organizations which is affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance; and was established in 1995.[More]

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