• Dec 18 2022 - 13:02
  • 468
  • Study time : Less than one minute
Following the Unfortunate Kidnapping and Martyrdom of Molavi Abdul-Wahid Rigi

Following the Unfortunate Kidnapping and Martyrdom of Molavi Abdul-Wahid Rigi

Following the regretful kidnapping and martyrdom of His Reverend Molavi Abdul-Wahid Rigi, in a statement, Ayatollah Khamenei expressed his sorrow upon hearing about this incident. He stressed the need for the relevant authorities to pursue the matter and swiftly bring the criminals to justice.

The text of the message of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution is as follows:

The unfortunate incident of the kidnapping of Molavi Abdul-Wahid Rigi (May Allah’s mercy be upon him) and the subsequent martyrdom of this well-intentioned and brave scholar brought me pain and sorrow. The criminals who committed this hideous act are a bunch of disgraced mercenaries. They are at the service of the enemies of the prosperity of our Baluch fellow citizens and the other ethnic groups making up the Iranian nation. It is the responsibility of the relevant organs of the state to pursue and punish the culprits. This must be done in earnest and with speed.  

I would like to extend my condolences to the honourable family of that martyr and the entire people of Baluchistan and ask for divine mercy for all. 

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