• Mar 23 2023 - 14:27
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Iran becomes world's 11th top fertilizer exporter

Iran becomes world's 11th top fertilizer exporter

Based on the latest data released by International Fertilizer Association (IFA), Iran has exported $1.8 billion worth of chemical fertilizers in the 2021-2022 crop year to become the world’s 11th biggest chemical fertilizer exporter, IRIB reported.

According to the IFA data, Russia was the largest exporter of chemical fertilizers in the world during the mentioned period, exporting $12.5 billion worth of the mentioned products.

China and Canada were ranked second and third with $11.5 billion and $6.6 billion worth of exports, respectively, followed by Morocco with $5.7 billion.

The IFA data show that the United States with $4 billion, Saudi Arabia with $3.5 billion, the Netherlands with $3 billion, Oman with $2.6 billion, Belgium with $2.6 billion, and Qatar with $2.1 billion were other top exporters of fertilizers in the mentioned crop year.

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