• Mar 27 2022 - 10:19
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Iran women’s basketball team move up at FIBA ranking

Iran women’s basketball team move up at FIBA ranking

Iran’s women’s basketball team moved up two spots to 78th in the latest FIBA ranking released on Monday.

Following participation in the FIBA Women’s Asia Cup Division B in Amman, Jordan in November, the Persians climbed in the ranking.

Some of the most impressive leaps were made by participants of the Division B, as winners Lebanon moved up the rankings eight places and into the top 50 at No. 45, while Indonesia catapulted skywards 13 places to No. 61 after finishing third.

Syria returned to the competition for the first time in 35 years and some positive results have seen them lift 16 places to No. 76. Similarly, event hosts Jordan made a return after a 26-year absence and have rocketed up 43 places to No. 81 after making it to the Final against Lebanon.

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