• Jan 20 2023 - 21:24
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Tehran hosts 1st intl. “Influential Women” congress

Tehran hosts 1st intl. “Influential Women” congress

Tehran hosted the first international congress on influential women. The two-day event is under way in the Iranian capital with the participation of influential, active and elite women from almost 90 world countries.

Addressing the congress, Iran's President Ebrahim Raisi called on the participating women at the congress to benefit from the experiences of the Islamic Republic of Iran with regard to women’s rights.

According to Press TV website, the congress is aimed at identifying, supporting and developing the abilities and capabilities of elite and influential women at national and international level.

Special awards with international recognition are slated to be granted to influential women in three fields of science and technology, economic and social affairs.

The criterion for selecting “influential” women has been done among housewives, women employees, female social activists, as well as competent women in digital technology, social media, science and technology, entrepreneurship and those who are pioneers in areas of culture and charity affairs.

On the sidelines of this congress, a memorandum of understanding between Afghanistan's neighboring countries is supposed to be signed to help the girls and women of this country continue their education at the initiative of Iran's vice president for women and family.

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