Girls of the Wind

Girls of the Wind

2023 51 minutes minutes
Girls of the Wind
The documentary “Girls of the Wind” is about the lives of some girls from the Ghashghaei tribe who live in the south of Fars province, and all of them wish for a girl who is younger than them to become literate. This documentary deals with the work done by these girls engage in from dawn to dusk, which includes shepherding, weaving rugs, and feeding the sheep.


Girls of the Wind
Name Girls of the Wind
Country Iran
Production Year2023
Duration 51 minutes minutes
DirectorSepideh Sepahi
ProducerSepideh Sepahi
Legal preparer Documentary, Experimental and Animation Film Center (DEFC)

Islamic Culture and Communication Organization is one of the Iranian organizations which is affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance; and was established in 1995.[More]

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