The story of a young girl named Satayesh, who, in order to save her brother Mohammad, seeks his friend’s, Tahir Ferdous, help but her brother is killed at the border and Tahir is imprisoned. With the consent of Mohammad’s family, Tahir Ferdows is freed from prison and since he is fascinated and enamored by Setayesh, he marries her, despite the opposition of both families, and has two children, a girl and a boy. When Tahir gets killed in the conspiracy plotted by “Anis”, the other daughter-in-law of the Ferdows family, Setayesh’s life gets complicated and she moves to another city.
Name | Setayesh |
Country | Iran |
Production Year | 0 |
Type | Serial |
Genre | Drama,Family and romance |
number of episodes | 111 Episodes in three seasons |
Director | Saeed Soltani |
Producer | Arman Zarrinkoub |
Legal preparer | Islamic Republic of Iran Broadcasting (IRIB) |
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