Viper of Theran

Viper of Theran

Social 2023 14 Episodes
Viper of Theran
The series “Viper of Tehran” is a complicated, mysterious, fascinating story of a crime. This series deals with the adventures of Arman Bayani, a film director who has become famous with his first film. He and his divorced wife have a child who returns to his father after a while. Arman’s movie is about a serial killer who has been nicknamed “Viper” because of poisoning his victims. Viper of Tehran offers its audience a rich visual experience that is not only entertaining but also encourages them to ponder upon important and complex social issues and have a deeper understanding of man and society.


Viper of Theran
Name Viper of Theran
Country Iran
Production Year2023
number of episodes14 Episodes
DirectorSaman Moghaddam
ProducerJavad Farhani
Legal preparer Filmnet

Islamic Culture and Communication Organization is one of the Iranian organizations which is affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance; and was established in 1995.[More]

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