Turk Kahvesi (Turkish Coffee)

Turk Kahvesi (Turkish Coffee)

Drama,Adventure 2023 18 Episodes
Turk Kahvesi (Turkish Coffee)
The serial Turk Kahvesi (Turkish Coffee) is the story of a young girl named Taraneh who is a nurse and side by side also performs street music. She loses her job due to a complaint against her (for the death of a patient), but...


Turk Kahvesi (Turkish Coffee)
Name Turk Kahvesi (Turkish Coffee)
Country Iran
Production Year2023
number of episodes 18 Episodes
DirectorAli Reza Amini
ProducerMohammad Shayesteh
Legal preparer Filmnet

Islamic Culture and Communication Organization is one of the Iranian organizations which is affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance; and was established in 1995.[More]

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