That Man Came by Bus

That Man Came by Bus

2021 74 minutes minutes
That Man Came by Bus
This documentary depicts one hundred years of the history of bus service in Iran in a story and historical style. The first bus arrived in the city of Rasht and after a short period of time, it entered the city of Tehran, and so far more than a century has passed since the bus has been used as an important public vehicle in Iran.


That Man Came by Bus
Name That Man Came by Bus
Country Iran
Production Year2021
Duration74 minutes minutes
DirectorNima Mahdian
ProducerNima Mahdian
Legal preparer Documentary, Experimental and Animation Film Center (DEFC)

Islamic Culture and Communication Organization is one of the Iranian organizations which is affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance; and was established in 1995.[More]

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