Monsieur Ali

Monsieur Ali

2021 60 minutes minutes
Monsieur Ali
This documentary is the story of the Constitutional Revolution; a socio-political event, which changed the Iranian government system and resulted in the establishment of a parliament in Iran and the formation of its first constitution. The documentary contains such stories as that of the Social Democratic Party, the story of the freedom fighters of Tabriz, and the story of Karbalaei Ali Bazargan, who knew the history and culture of France so well that became known as “Monsieur Ali”.


Monsieur Ali
Name Monsieur Ali
Country Iran
Production Year2021
Duration60 minutes minutes
DirectorMasood Mir
ProducerMohammadreza Fartousi
Legal preparer Documentary, Experimental and Animation Film Center (DEFC)

Islamic Culture and Communication Organization is one of the Iranian organizations which is affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance; and was established in 1995.[More]

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