• Jun 6 2023 - 11:51
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Leader’s speech on Imam’s passing anniv. a lesson in piety, politics, history

Addressing the multitude of people at the impressive ceremony to mark the 34th anniversary of the passing of Imam Khomeini, the architect of the Islamic Revolution, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei touched on many significant and pressing issues. From the inspiring leadership demonstrated by the late Imam during his life in confronting the local dictatorship and foreign imperialism, to the evil role many Western countries and their media empires played during recent riots, to the importance of staying strong and vigilant against diabolic plots by Iran’s enemies, Ayatollah Khamenei’s speech on Sunday was one for the ages.

Addressing the multitude of people at the impressive ceremony to mark the 34th anniversary of the passing of Imam Khomeini, the architect of the Islamic Revolution, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei touched on many significant and pressing issues.

From the inspiring leadership demonstrated by the late Imam during his life in confronting the local dictatorship and foreign imperialism, to the evil role many Western countries and their media empires played during recent riots, to the importance of staying strong and vigilant against diabolic plots by Iran’s enemies, Ayatollah Khamenei’s speech on Sunday was one for the ages.

Stressing that the only "hardware" Imam Khomeini possessed while leading the widely popular movement aimed at Islamic revival was "paper and cassette tapes" -- used to raise public awareness -- the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said the key to Imam's successful movement was the “software” of pure conviction to and trust in God and the divine pledges.

Tens of thousands had gathered in the majestic mausoleum of the late founder of the Islamic Republic to pay tribute to him and to reaffirm their pledge to the revolution and principles he held dear.

Ayatollah Khamenei underlined that such unflinching faith and trust in God must remain "alive" in the nation, insisting that the preservation and protection of Iran’s independence depends on it.

He called on Iranian officials and people to reinforce their faith and trust in God, noting that such values must be complemented with action and hard work, rather than passivism.

The Leader also urged people to display a "can do" attitude and self-confidence in all fields of work in line with the teachings of the late Imam, who believed in action and positivity.

Ayatollah Khamenei further pointed to what he described as three most significant and unique things made possible by Imam Khomeini – toppling a US-installed brutal dictatorship and replacing it with an independent, people-centered system of governance in Iran, bringing an end to a period of passivism across the Muslim world and fostering Islamic awakening and lastly, reviving the sense of spiritualism.

Ayatollah Khamenei was referring to the wave of Islamic resurgence in many Muslim countries, as well as the emergence of resistance groups that challenged the occupation of Palestine by Zionist forces.

In Latin America, the rise of the so-called "liberation theology" as a faith-based movement to combat massive suppression of freedoms by US-backed dictators in the region also owes to Imam Khomeini and the revolutionary movement he spearheaded, according to experts.

"Imam Khomeini is alive," the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said in his address, prompting vociferous ‘Long Live Revolution’ chants from the crowd. "He has a word with us. He is speaking to us."

Ayatollah Khamenei emphasized that "there's a long road ahead of us and improving the state of affairs of the Iranian nation will depend on following up" on the prescription proposed by the visionary Imam.

He noted, however, that such endeavors have opponents and enemies across the globe who are bent on carrying out all sorts of activities to block further changes to the existing world order.

The Leader stressed that among the strategies employed by the enemy is to spread pessimism and hopelessness among the Iranian youth by highlighting problems and undermining the nation's progress.

He then reiterated the need to rely on faith and trust in God to overcome existing hardships that commonly arise everywhere and can be dealt with and eventually overcome.

Pointing to the recent foreign-backed plots to stoke civil war in Iran, Ayatollah Khamenei said many Western think tanks, spy agencies and media outlets contributed to the hysteria, adding that these plots included transporting illegal weapons inside Iran, giving training on making hand-made bombs and calling for partitioning the country.

He went on to slam some Western leaders who gleefully posed for photos with foreign-based Iranian rabble-rousers and riots masterminds, believing that the Islamic Republic “is finished."

"These fools made blunders once again. They again failed to recognize the Iranian nation," the Leader of the Islamic Revolution said, in a veiled attack on senior American and European officials.

Ayatollah Khamenei urged the Iranian nation to remain vigilant against potential future plots against the country by enemies and specifically pointed to the next parliamentary election in Iran.

Although the election is still nine months away, the enemy has already started "bombarding" the democratic process, he asserted, urging people to be alert and foil such plots.

He also hailed Iranian youth for their active participation in voluntary work and other forms of scientific, educational, agricultural, and military tasks through mobilization (Basij) cells across the country to help in resolving the economic problems and advancing scientific, manufacturing and managerial endeavors.

The speech has been widely described as a motivational lesson in history and politics that again brought to the fore high standards and determination of the Leader of the Islamic Revolution in standing tall against global hegemonic powers and firmly upholding the sacrosanct Islamic principles of justice and freedom. 

Mohsen Badakhsh is an educator and freelance journalist.

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