Mab’ath - The Beginning Of Prophet’s Mission
Mab'ath means the beginning of his mission: when the Prophet received the very first verses from his Lord; when he was meditating, and reflecting, and worshiping in Cave Hira in Mount Noor, just outside Mecca, on the suburbs of Mecca.

Mab'ath means the beginning of his mission: when the Prophet received the very first verses from his Lord; when he was meditating, and reflecting, and worshiping in Cave Hira in Mount Noor, just outside Mecca, on the suburbs of Mecca. For 10 years, the Prophet used to climb this mountain and stay in this cave.
Sometimes three days, sometimes a week, in some occasions, 40 days and nights in this cave for meditation, for reflection. To remember his Lord or communion with his Lord. On the twenty seventh of the month of Rajab, the Archangel Gabriel descended upon the Prophet, sallallahu alayhi wa sallam, with the first five verses in Chapter 96, Surat-ul-Alaq, The Blood Clot. Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim, "Iqra bismi rabbikal lazee khalaq"(96:1)
While the Prophet was in the cave, he hears this voice 'Iqra'. Recite in the name of your Lord who created. "Khalaqal insana min 'alaq"(96:2). Created man from a single blood clot. "Khalaqal insana min alaq. Iqra wa rabbukal akram''(96:2-3). Recite in the name of your Honorable Lord. ''Iqra wa rabbukal akram. Al ladhee allama bil qalam"(96:3-4) Who taught with the pen. "Allamal insaana maa lam ya'lam"(96:5). He taught the human that which they did not know. These are the first five verses in the Quran that the Prophet received, of course, the Holy Quran descended upon the Prophet in two ways.
One way was the 'an-nuzulul jam'ee', the descension that arrived at once, the entire Quran from beginning till the end arrived at once at the heart of the Prophet. "Nazala 'alaa qalbika li takoona minal munzireen, bi lisanin arabiyyin mubeen"(26:193-195) Descended upon the mind and the heart of the Prophet. The second version, the second type of descension (Nuzul) is 'an-nuzulut tadreeji', the gradual step by step, over the period of twenty three years. But the beginning of it was on the twenty seventh of the month of Rajab.