• Sep 25 2024 - 08:23
  • 213
  • Study time : Less than one minute

Cultural Counsellor of Iran, Mr. Seyed Mostafa Daryabari, unpacks how the Embassy celebrates Heritage month in South Africa.

Mr. Seyed Mostafa Daryabari was invited by the morning host of Unisa radio to discuss Heritage month celebrations.

The University of South Africa (Unisa) Radio presenter, Ms. Lerato Makena the morning show host invited the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr. Seyed Mostafa Daryabari to an interview on how the Cultural Consulate of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran celebrates Heritage month in South Africa.

Mr. Daryabari explained that this heritage month coincides with the 30th Anniversary of the Iran – South Africa Diplomatic Relations. He said South Africa and Iran share a special relationship which is mutually beneficial to its people.

He added that the Cultural Consulate of the Embassy of Iran in South Africa is hosting Farhang music group, an International music group from Iran. And they are scheduled to perform in three provinces, Gauteng, Free State and Western Cape, and four cities, Pretoria, Johannesburg, Ficksburg and Cape Town.

He said South Africans receive Persian art with open hearts, and that Iran also appreciates South African art. 

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