• Jan 18 2023 - 11:53
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Empowering women should be purposeful: VP

Empowering women should be purposeful: VP

The first congress of influential women was held on Tuesday under the direction of the office of the vice president for women and family affairs Ansieh Khazali.

Addressing the congress, Khazali said empowering women and family should be purposeful and done in a proper way. 

She went on to say that the criterion for selecting “influential” women was done among housewives, women employees, social activist women, as well as competent women in digital technology, social media, science and technology, entrepreneurship and those pioneer in areas of culture and charity.

“The purpose behind holding this congress was to identify influential women in individual and social and international arenas, and this took place through different means,” she stated.

Elsewhere in her remarks, Khazali said her office has been seeking to support family, help girls who have been unable to attend school, etc.

President Ebrahim Raisi also addressed the congress.

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