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Iran picks top books of the year

Iran picks top books of the year

Top publications in different categories were honored on Wednesday during the 40th edition of Iran’s Book of the Year Awards.

The winners received their awards from President Ebrahim Raisi at Tehran’s Vahadt Hall.

Top books of the year were awarded as part of the Ten-Day Dawn celebration, which is organized annually in February to mark the anniversary of the Islamic Revolution.

The awards are granted in the categories such as art, literature, religion, philosophy and psychology, applied science and pure science. 

“Abi Talib Dictionary” by a group of writers was selected as best book in the religion section.

In the language section, “Pahlavi Language Dictionary” by Yadollah Mansuri won the award.

“Accidental Mathematics” by Einollah Pasha won the award in the pure science category.

“Source Book for Intensive Care Unit” by Keivan Gohari-Moqaddam, Amir Vahedian-Azimi and several other scholars was awarded in the applied science section.

“Timeless Centuries: An Analytical Introduction to Mantiq at-Tayr” by Mehdi Mohabbati received the award in literature.

Mantiq at-Tayr (Conference of the Birds) is the most famous book of the Persian mystic and poet Farid ud-Din Mohammad ibn Ebrahim Attar Neyshaburi (C. 1142-1220).

It is an allegorical poem describing the quest of the birds (i.e., Sufis) for the mythical Simorgh, or Phoenix, whom they wish to make their king (i.e., God).

Dozens of books were also honored in several other categories.

Photo: President Ebrahim Raisi honors an author during the 40th Iran’s Book of the Year Awards at Tehran’s Vahadt Hall on February 8, 2023. (ISNA/Hadi Zand)

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