• Oct 11 2024 - 09:07
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Iran proposes establishment of scientific, cultural student union of Islamic world

Iran’s Education Minister, Alireza Kazemi, has proposed that Islamic countries form a scientific and cultural student union.

He made the proposal during a meeting with Salim Ben Mohamed Al-Malik, the Director General of the Islamic World Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (ICESCO).

The Iranian official and the ICESCO director general met in Muscat, Oman, on the sidelines of the third session of the organization’s education ministers conference held on October 2-3, according to a press release by the Iranian Education Ministry’s Public Relations Office, which was carried by IRNA on Saturday.

Kazemi proposed that a scientific and cultural student union be formed in the Islamic world and that Muslim countries hold their own scientific students Olympiads.

He also proposed that a mechanism be established to award the year’s best teacher in the Islamic world as part of efforts to promote education in Islamic countries.

The Iranian minister invited the ICESCO director general to visit the Islamic Republic to become more familiar with the progress made by the country in the education sector.

Al-Malik expressed hope that he would visit Iran soon.

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