• Aug 30 2024 - 09:36
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Iranian feature film “For Rana” to get world premiere at Busan International Film Festival

The Iranian feature film “For Rana” directed by Iman Yazdi will have its world premiere at the 29th Busan International Film Festival, due to be held in South Korea from October 2 to 11.

Screening in the Asian film competition section New Currents, “For Rana” is about the struggles of parents with a daughter needing a heart transplant, both of whom captivate the audience with their emotional narratives.

Well-known actors Hamed Behdad and Pantea Panahiha play the main roles in this family drama, ISNA reported.

This year’s New Currents includes two films each from Japan and South Korea, with others hailing from Myanmar, Kazakhstan, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, and Iran. Among these films, two will be nominated for the New Currents Award.

The new Currents competition section is reserved for less experienced filmmakers and has acted as an important platform for talent discovery over many years.

The Busan International Film Festival has grown from Korea's first international film festival to Korea's largest and has become an event loved by many filmmakers and audiences not only in Asia but also in the world. 

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