• Oct 18 2022 - 17:46
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Iranian female crafter grabs gold medal at WorldSkills 2022

Iranian female crafter grabs gold medal at WorldSkills 2022

Iranian woman, Razieh Jalili, won a gold medal in jewelry at the WorldSkills Competition 2022 held in Geneva, Switzerland.

WorldSkills Competition 2022 Special Edition is the official replacement for WorldSkills Shanghai 2022, canceled in May due to the pandemic.

Some 62 skill competitions will be held over 12 weeks in 15 countries and regions between September to November 26.

Over 1,000 Competitors from 58 countries and regions participate in 62 skill competitions.

The 45th WorldSkills Competition in the field of jewelry was held in Geneva, with the participation of Iran, England, Australia, China, South Korea, Hong Kong, France, Switzerland, Portugal, India, Japan, Norway, Sweden, and the UAE.

Dozens of Iranian handicrafts have gained the UNESCO Seal of Excellence during the past couple of years and some 295 fields of handicrafts are currently practiced across Iran with more than two million people engaging, the majority of whom are women.

With 14 entries, Iran ranks first globally for the number of cities and villages registered by the World Crafts Council.

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