• Oct 31 2024 - 08:44
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Photo exhibition launched in Tehran Metro to take a look at Japan’s culture

The descendants of benefactor Haj Hossein Nakhjavani, one of the founders of the National Library of Tabriz, have donated a remarkable collection of 81 manuscripts and printed works to the Tabriz Central Library.

Nakhjavani’s grandchildren Fereydoun, Farrokh, and Rana have contributed 70 exquisitely crafted manuscripts, five lithographed books, and six lead-printed volumes to the Tabriz Central Library, the Iran Public Libraries Foundation's public relations office reported. 

Among the valuable donated works are notable manuscripts including "Geography of Lands and Seas" from the 8th century AH, "Diwan-e Mahyar," "Diwan-e Malham Tabrizi," "Nozhat al-Qulub," "History of Alam Arai Abbasi," and "Sahifa Sajjadiyya."

The Central Library of Tabriz boasts the richest collection of manuscripts, lithographed, and lead-printed books within the public libraries of the country, housing a total of 3,422 volumes. Of these, 1,163 volumes were donated by Haj Mohammad Nakhjavani, while his brother Haj Hossein Nakhjavani contributed 863 volumes.

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