• Dec 26 2022 - 15:59
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Play presents life of Hazrat Fatima (SA) in seven stages

Play presents life of Hazrat Fatima (SA) in seven stages

A play portraying the life of Hazrat Fatima (SA), daughter of the Prophet Muhammad (S), in seven chapters went on stage on Saturday at Osveh Hall of the Art Bureau of the Islamic Ideology Dissemination Organization (IIDO)

A large all-women troupe led by director and writer Maryam Shabani is performing the play entitled “Fatima” to commemorate the martyrdom anniversary of Hazrat Fatima (SA), which falls on December 27 this year.

“The play is being staged in the lecture performance style, which is frequently used across the globe, and we have done our best to make the style adaptable to our culture by adding some of our own local visual attractions,” Shabani told the Persian service of Honaronline.

“Islam attaches great importance to women’s spiritual and social independence, and we have tried hard to adapt the set to women’s feelings and attitudes by lighting, sound design and colors,” she noted.     

“The first stage illustrates why this lady was born, while the second stage shows the influence of her mother Hazrat Khadijah (SA) on her life,” Shabani said.

“Her marriage and companionship with Imam Ali (AS) and their decision to join the Prophet of Islam in his mission are portrayed in the third stage,” she added.

“The fourth stage focuses on the Battle of Uhud and the Devil’s military expedition, and women’s role in the Prophet’s wars against non-Muslims is depicted in the fifth stage. The sixth stage sheds light on Hazrat Fatima’s economic and social role, and the final stage presents her auspiciousness on the day of judgment,” she explained.

Shabani announced a plan to stage “Fatima” in Arab countries and Europe.

“The play puts its spotlight on women’s roles and their premium status in the universe, therefore, it concerns a global issue, which is expected to attract a great audience; thus we plan to perform it in other countries.” 

The play was performed last year at Osveh Hall, Shams Eyvan and the Tehran Theater Complex.

A brochure published for the play carries a brief synopsis that reads, “A girl namely Fatima comes from heaven to the Earth to save it from darkness; Lucifer starts a war to thwart her mission.”  

Photo: Director and writer Maryam Shabani’s troupe performs “Fatima” at Osveh Hall in Tehran.

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