• Sep 23 2024 - 09:25
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Sports minister vows to use F1 race bid to help tourism industry boost international visitors

Sports, Arts, and Culture Minister Gayton McKenzie has invited the tourism industry to lead the way in unlocking opportunities in sports and events tourism in a bid to reach its target of 15.6 million international visitors to South Africa by 2030.

Written By Siphelele Dludla

Speaking at the last day of the Tourism Leadership Conference on Friday, McKenzie said the industry ought to re-imagine its role, potential and approach, and take the initiative to position South Africa as an important destination for major events.

For sports fanatics, McKenzie provided feedback on developments regarding bringing Formula One (F1) to South Africa.

“We have been in talks with the relevant stakeholders, and I am happy to say those engagements have been fruitful. They have given us a list of requirements that need to be fulfilled. And when we next meet in Doha, we will have an update on where we stand in terms of securing those rights,” McKenzie told delegates.

The 2024 conference was held with the aim of unlocking new frontiers for tourism growth as South Africa remains on track to achieve its goal of 15.6 million annual arrivals by 2030.

The Tourism Business Council of SA (TBCSA) said there has been considerable progress in getting more people to visit the country, with public-private partnerships being key to ensuring smoother operations in the industry.

TBCSA chief executive Tshifhiwa Tshivhengwa said industry stakeholders held fruitful discussions during the two days of the conference and will collate the information gathered and put together an action plan.

“Some issues will keep coming up until a resolution or a way forward is found. Our goal and mission is to ensure that the gathering is more than just a talk shop,” Tshivhengwa said.

“Since the last leadership conference, there have been developments in the issuing of visas and the related legislative framework. Our partnership with the Department of Home Affairs has yielded positive outcomes that will benefit the industry and the country.

“Minister Leon Schreiber and his team have been working tirelessly to ensure South Africa is on a path to improved and automated visa regimes.

“The Home Affairs Department has committed to clearing the backlog in the issuing of outstanding visa applications for skilled workers and others – and recently announced South Africa’s new remote working visa in response to evolving global work trends. Minister Schreiber and his team remain committed to supporting us in reaching our goals of growing tourism, while ensuring that national security is not compromised.”

TBCSA said the tourism industry would also benefit greatly from the Tourism Sector Master Plan, which had the support of Cabinet. The industry was eagerly anticipating the gazetting of the Tourism White Paper – an important guideline in the creation of an enabling regulatory environment.

On the transport front, discussions continue on how best to increase South Africa’s aviation capacity. The good news for tour licence operators was that the backlog in the issuing of operating licences has been cleared.

Mathabatha Mokonyama, deputy director-general of public transport at the Department of Transport, re-affirmed the department’s commitment to roll out an online application system. This would make it easier to alleviate delays and other impediments to the issuing and renewal of tourism vehicle operating licences.


Work continued to support the National Public Transport Regulator, which adjudicates the applications for tourist transport operating licences and the accreditation of tour operators.

Amendments to the National Land Transport Regulations now provided tourist operators with a 21-day grace period when applying for renewals of operating licences.

Operators and prospective applicants were now also able to apply for accreditation and operating licences simultaneously. Applicants could now request an extension of 30 days to submit the requested documents and load their operating licences per the regulations.

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