Yaghi (Rebel) Serial

Yaghi (Rebel) Serial

Drama 2022 18
Yaghi (Rebel) Serial
The story of the difficult and challenging life of a young boy who has struggled with many problems since birth and now, at the peak of his youth, he is facing the happier side of life. The person who supports him eventually turns out to be a drug smuggler who intends to use the world wrestling champions to smuggle drugs.


Yaghi (Rebel) Serial
Name Yaghi (Rebel) Serial
Country Iran
Production Year2022
number of episodes18
DirectorMohammad Kart
ProducerMaziar Hashemi
Legal preparer Filimo

Islamic Culture and Communication Organization is one of the Iranian organizations which is affiliated to the Ministry of Culture and Islamic Guidance; and was established in 1995.[More]

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