Islam is a religion of Peace and it respects the followers of other divine religions, Iran Cultural Counsellor Nairobi says in a meeting with Procmura Director
He expressed: Islam is a religion of kindness and kindness and always respects the followers of other divine religions and always places human dignity and respect for Abrahamic religions and their followers in the first place.

The Cultural Adviser of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nairobi, Mr. Qorban Ali Pourmarjan, in a meeting with PROCMURA Director Madam Sally Margaret said : Knowing about the activities of "Procmura", a kind of hope came alive in me that in Africa the followers of divine religions can live together in a beautiful and kind way and with each other's help to peacefully co-exist and learn about each other’s faith
Mr Pourmarjan expressed: Islam is a religion of kindness and kindness and always respects the followers of other divine religions and always places human dignity and respect for Abrahamic religions and their followers in the first place.
The Programme for Christian-Muslim Relations in Africa (PROCMURA) is the one and only pan African Christian organisation with a specific focus on Christians’ constructive relations with Muslims in witness and for peace and peaceful co-existence.
Mr. Pourmarjan emphasized: It is with this perspective that the center of inter-religious dialogue was formed in Iran and has formed religious dialogues with Catholic and Protestant Christianity and even other Abrahamic religions in the Vatican, Russia, Austria and several other countries and on various religious and moral issues. , social and cultural has talked with them several times.
He continued: What Procmura is doing in Africa is in this direction, and we respect your activities and declare our readiness to have close cooperation with each other professionally and practically .
The Cultural Counsellor pointed out: Many scholars and intellectuals in Iran are following these issues, and if needed, we can invite some of these intellectuals to participate in specialized conferences in Kenya with your help, or we can invite some female Muslim figures in Iran. to explain the real face of a Muslim woman and the rights that a Muslim woman has in the eyes of Islam.