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Islamic Approach to Nowruz

Islamic Approach to Nowruz

The peaceful interaction of Islam with other religions and beliefs, including the religious and national beliefs of Iranians, was the reason that Nowruz did not disappear from the Islamic society of Iran. In Islam and especially in Shiism, Nowruz is viewed as a blessed day and it is emphasized to honor it.

The peaceful interaction of Islam with other religions and beliefs, including the religious and national beliefs of Iranians, was the reason that Nowruz did not disappear from the Islamic society of Iran. In Islam and especially in Shiism, Nowruz is viewed as a blessed day and it is emphasized to honor it. From the Shiite point of view, Nowruz is the day of the reappearance of Imam Mahdi (AS).

It has been narrated that some Iranian Muslims brought a silver vessel full of sweets as a gift for the Prophet of Islam (PBUH), and when he asked about the occasion they said that it is Nowruz. He asked what is Nowruz? They said: Great Eid of Iranians. The Prophet then responded by saying: “Yes, it was on this day that God resurrected Askareh.” They asked what is Askareh? He said: Askareh were thousands of people who left their homeland and went to the desert for fear of death, and God told them to die, and they died. Then he revived them and told the clouds to rain on them. This is why it is customary to sprinkle water on this day. The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) then ate from that sweets and divided the remaining among his companions and said I wish every day was Nowruz for us.

It has also been narrated that during the era of the Caliphate of Imam Ali (AS), some Zoroastrians presented him with a few silver vessels filled with sugar on the occasion of Nowruz. The Imam accepted their gift and distributed the sugar among his companions. Also according to a narration from Imam Ja’far Sadiq (AS), the miraculous event of the revival of thousands of people from Israelites before Islam - by God’s command, which is mentioned in verse 243 of Surah Al-Baqarah - happened in Nowruz.

In volume 59 of the book Bihar al-Anwar of Allameh Majlesi, it is narrated from Imam Sadiq(AS) that Mu’alla bin Khunays said: I went to visit Imam Ja’far Sadiq on the day of Nowruz and he asked me if I knew (the importance of) this day. I responded by saying that it is the day which is honored by Iranians and exchange gifts. The Imam then said: Swear by Allah celebrating Nowruz is important for ancient reasons that I am going to tell you about. O Mu’alla, Nowruz is the day that the Lord of the world made a covenant with His servants to worship Him, not to associate any partner with Him, and to believe in the prophets and imams. Nowruz is the first day on which the sun rose, winds began to blow, and the earth was created. It is the day when Ali became victorious in the Battle of Nahrvan. It was on this day that Noah’s ark landed on Mount Cudi, the day on which Gabriel descended on the Prophet, the day when Abraham broke the idols, and the day when the Prophet carried Ali on his shoulders to throw down the idols of the Quraysh. It is the same day that the Prophet of God asked his companions to pledge allegiance to Ali (AS) as the Commander of the Faithful. It is the same day on which the Qa’im of Prophet Muhammad’s (PBUH) Household will come out of occultation, and it is the same day on which he will feat Dajjal and hang him near Kufa, and there is no Nowruz in which we do not expect a special blessing because Nowruz is one of our days and our Shiites.

Allameh Majlesi narrated in his book “Zadal al-Ma’ad” that it has been recommended to recite this prayer a lot at the time of the change of the year:

"یا مقلّب الْقلوب و الْأبْصار یا مدبّر اللّیْل و النّهار یا محوّل الْحوْل و الْأحْوال حوّلْ حالنا إلی أحْسن الْحال"

(O Changer of hearts and eyes, O Director of nights and days, O Transformer of situations and circumstances, Transform our circumstances to the best of circumstances!)

Mirza Husain Noori Tabarsi, popularly known as Muhaddith Noori has quoted from the book of Hossein bin Hamedan in “Mustadrak al-Wasail” that al-Mufaddal bin Umar al-Jaafi has narrated from Imam Sadiq (AS) that: God sent a revelation to Prophet Hezqil that: “This day is a blessed day before me. I have made a promise to myself that if any believer asks me for anything on this day, I will fulfill it, and that day is Nowruz.”

There is a recommended prayer for Nowruz Eid in the book “Mufatih al-Janan”, which comprises the recitation of Surahs Al-Hamad, Al-Qadr, Al-Kafirun, Tawhid, Al-Falaq, and Al-Nas, and is very similar to the prayer that is included in the rituals and practices of Friday and Ghadir Khum Eid. Imam Sadiq (AS) has been quoted in the same book stating: “When Nowruz comes, do ghusl, put on your cleanest clothes and perfume yourself with the best fragrances and after finishing the obligatory noon and afternoon prayers and their nafilahs, pray four rak’as, each rakat followed by a salam. In the first rak’a recite Surah Al-Hamd followed by Surah Al-Qadr (ten times). In the second rak’a recite Surah Al-Kafirun ten times after Surah Al-Hamd. In the third rak’a recite Surah Tawhid ten times after Surah Al-Hamd, and in the fourth rak’a recite Surahs Al-Nas and Al-Falaq ten times after Surah Al-Hamd. And after finishing these prayers do a thanksgiving prostration and recite this supplication (Refer to Mafatih al-Jinan for the full text of the supplication).

The most important symbol of Nowruz, which is “Haft-sin”, has an ancient and Islamic philosophy. In his research book on Nowruz entitled “Nowruz and the Philosophy behind Haft-sin”, Mohammad Ali Dadkhah has written, “The number seven is chosen and sacred”. The choice of this number for the Nowruz table is of significance. Ancient Iranians associated this number with the seven holy immortals. In astrology, the number seven is the house of dreams. Allameh Majlesi says: The sky has seven layers and the earth has seven layers, and seven angels or angels are their guardians, and whoever recited seven verses of the Holy Quran that begin with the letter sin at the time of the change of the year, he/she will be protected from earthly and heavenly disasters. The religious sanctity of the time of the change of the year is so important for people that many of them prefer to be in holy shrines at that time.

Some of the customs and rituals of Nowruz are as follows:

1- Ghusl: according to some hadith ghusl is considered one of the rituals of Nowruz.

2- Exchange of gifts: Giving gifts in Nowruz has been customary since ancient times. This custom has also been confirmed by Islam. It means that the custom of giving gifts is generally accepted. In some cases, even the infallible Imams had recommended giving gifts to each other.

3- Paying visit to family and friends: Visiting, and congratulating one another in Nowruz is considered one of the important customs of Nowruz, and Islam, too, has approved and recommended this pleasant custom. Although this custom is obligatory on other days of the year as well, it has been especially emphasized to be observed during Nowruz.

4- Wearing clean clothes and being perfumed: It has been in narrations that when Nowruz comes, do ghusl and wear your best and cleanest of your clothes and perfume yourself with the best perfumes.

5- Fasting: It has been recommended to fast on the first day of Nowruz. According to hadith, fasting is one of the rituals of Nowruz. Islamic jurists have also considered fasting on the first day of Nowruz as a recommended ritual.

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