• Jul 21 2024 - 07:45
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Nairobi to host Women Conference on the theme Chastity, Role and Importance of Family in Contemporary World

The Cultural Council of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nairobi invites paper submissions for the conference themed "Chastity, Role, and Importance of Family in Contemporary World."

The Cultural Council of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nairobi invites paper submissions for the conference themed "Chastity, Role, and Importance of Family in Contemporary World."



As our world becomes increasingly complex and deeply intertwined with advanced technologies, the foundations of family and human relationships within society, particularly within the family unit, confront numerous challenges. Traditional religious and cultural values, which have long served as pillars of family cohesion and strength, now contend with external cultural influences and ideologies that sometimes-run counter to human nature. Without safeguarding the sanctity of the family through the guidance of divine religion, spirituality, and our indigenous cultures, we risk encountering significant future challenges.

Throughout centuries, women have played a pivotal role as the center of affection and love within families and societies. However, in this century, there has been a conceptual shift regarding the roles of women, accompanied by new ideas aiming to empower women to participate in societal roles traditionally assigned to men. This has led to women entering domains that were historically the domain of men, despite the natural and physical differences.

From the principles derived from divine religions, it is clear that women are entitled to equity and justice regarding their rights. They also have specific roles, such as their crucial role in family dynamics and child-rearing, a viewpoint supported by psychologists and sociologists alike. Despite their pivotal roles, concepts surrounding women—including their responsibilities, political and social rights, human rights, and moral integrity—are often scrutinized and challenged.

Despite the critical roles women play in both family and society, the ideas concerning women— including their responsibilities, political and social rights, human rights, and notions of female chastity— are often scrutinized and debated. These discussions frequently prompt broader inquiries into the formation of an ideal and virtuous family.

Given these complexities, questions arise regarding the construction of an ideal and virtuous family. What role should women play in this ideal? Are divine religions and human reason aligned in constructing a virtuous family and society? Moreover, what challenges does the family face in the age of technology, and have divine religions proposed solutions for these challenges?

To address these questions comprehensively, we propose organizing a one-day seminar. This seminar will convene religious scholars, social theorists, media pundits, and advocates for women's affairs. Their collective expertise will aim to formulate solutions towards achieving a virtuous society and overcoming familial challenges in today's world.

This seminar seeks to foster dialogue and collaboration among diverse perspectives, aiming towards a shared understanding and practical recommendations for nurturing chaste families and resilient societies. It is an opportunity to explore how religious teachings, societal insights, and contemporary challenges intersect, paving the way for constructive solutions and pathways forward.



  1. Explore the cultural and religious perspectives on chastity within the family structure.
  2. Discuss the evolving roles and responsibilities of family members in the context of modern societal changes.
  3. Examine the significance of family cohesion and its impact on community and societal well-being.
  4. Foster dialogue on practical strategies to uphold and promote family values amidst contemporary challenges.
  5. Provide a platform for interdisciplinary exchange among scholars, practitioners, and community leaders to enrich understanding and practices related to family dynamics.

 Topics of discussions:

  1. Explaining the concept of family in in Abrahamic religions
  2. The role and position of women in the family
  3. What are the indicators of a chaste family in other religions and schools of thought?
  4. Political and social movements in the current century that target the foundation of the family
  5. Does chastity conflict with the life of the 21st century?
  6. Family and human rights
  7. Women's human rights
  8. Gender-Based Violence and the Exploitation of Women's Roles in Society
  9. The place of spirituality in strengthening the foundations of the family
  10. Spirituality in the new age as a solution
  11. Rights and duties in the field of women
  12. The concept and position of the family in the school of Ahl al-Bayt (AS)
  13. Family in African culture (Kenya) and challenges ahead
  14. Factors weakening the family in Africa and ways out of it
  15. Harmonizing Gender and Women's Rights: Bridging Islamic and Christian Theological Concepts on Family Values
  16. Reconciling Ideologies: Human Rights, Islamic/Christian Theologies, and Gender Dynamics in the Family
  17. Reinterpreting Gender Rights: Navigating Misunderstandings in Islamic and Christian Religious Teachings
  18. Examining the portrayal of women in media and its impact on societal attitudes and perceptions.
  19. The role of the media in the consolidation or destruction of the family in the present era.
  20. Role of Men in Women's Empowerment: Exploring how men can be allies in promoting gender equity and dismantling patriarchal norms.
  21. Empowering Women Across All Spheres of Life; education, leadership, economics, health, and beyond.

Potential Outcomes:

  • Enhanced Understanding of Religious Perspectives.
  • Promotion of Family Values.
  • Identification of Common Ground and Differences.
  • Practical Strategies for Family Enrichment.
  • Community Engagement and Support Networks.
  • Policy Implications and Advocacy.
  • Educational Initiatives.
  • Future Collaboration and Research.

 Submission Guidelines:

  1. Submission Format:
    • Submit your paper electronically via email to Email: iranlib@yahoo.com, culture@irankenya.org
    • Ensure submissions are in MS word format.
    • Use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double-spaced.
    • Include page numbers on all pages.
    • Papers should not exceed 2,000 - 4,000 words, excluding references.
  2. Title Page:
    • Include a separate title page with the following details:
      • Paper title
      • Full name(s) of author(s)
      • Affiliation(s) and institutional address(es)
      • Email address(es)
  3. Abstract:
    • Provide an abstract of no more than 150-300 words summarizing the objectives, methodology, key findings, and conclusions of your paper.
    • Include 3-5 keywords that best describe the content of your paper.
  4. Originality and Ethics:
    • Submissions must represent original work not previously published or under review elsewhere.
    • Authors are responsible for ensuring compliance with ethical standards, including proper citation practices and obtaining necessary permissions for any copyrighted materials used.
  5. Review Process:
    • All submissions will undergo a double-blind peer-review process.
    • Criteria for evaluation include originality, significance, theoretical and methodological rigor, clarity, and contribution to the field.
  6. Formatting Guidelines:
    • Follow APA, MLA, or Chicago style for citations and references.
    • Ensure proper formatting of tables, figures, and equations.
    • References should be listed alphabetically at the end of the paper.
  7. Notification of Acceptance:
    • Authors will be notified of acceptance/rejection by 5th August 2024
    • Accepted papers may require revisions before final acceptance.
  8. Publication:
    • Accepted and presented papers will be published in the conference proceedings book after the conference.

 Important dates:

  • Submission of Abstracts by                         :           31 July 2024
  •  Confirmation of shortlisted Abstracts       :           5th August 2024
  • Full papers by                                               :           15th September 2024
  • Conference date                                            :           21 September 2024
  • Venue                                                             :           To be communicated


Secretariat Contacts:

Email: iranlib@yahoo.com,


Tel:      0721382894, 0713836041

Nairobi Kenya

Nairobi Kenya

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