• Jul 4 2023 - 16:23
  • 345
  • Study time : 3 minute(s)

Webinar: Quran is the light of mankind and the creation of unity among the Muslims of the world

The Cultural Council of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Nairobi have the pleasure of inviting you to a webinar on Wednesday, 5th July 2023 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm. This Webinar aims to discuss issue pertaining to the Holy Quran.

The Cultural Council of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Nairobi  have the pleasure of inviting you to a webinar on Wednesday, 5th July 2023 from 10:00 am-12:00 pm. This Webinar aims to discuss issue pertaining to the Holy Quran. 

The Quran, is a Holy book of Islam, holds immense significance for Muslims worldwide. It is believed to be a divine revelation that offers guidance,enlightenment, and serves as a beacon of light for all of humanity. In this Webinar,we aim to explore the central theme of how the Quran acts as a unifying force,fostering unity and solidarity among Muslims across the globe.

The recent incidents of disrespect and desecration of the Holy Quran in Sweden have deeply affectedMuslims worldwide and have raised concerns about religious tolerance and the need for promoting unity.

In this Webinar, we aim to address the issue by proposinginitiatives that foster respect for the Holy Quran, encourage interfaithdialogue, and promote a sense of unity and understanding Globally.


The primary objective ofthis initiative is to delve into the profound impact of the Quran in promotingunity among Muslims, emphasizing its role as a guiding light for mankind. Byexamining the Quran's teachings, values, and principles, we aim to foster adeeper understanding of how this sacred text unites Muslims and serves as asource of inspiration for individual and collective growth.

Key Focus Areas:

1.    Exploring the Universal Message of the Quran: This section will delve into the Quran's message of peace, justice, compassion,and brotherhood, which transcends geographical, cultural, and ethnicboundaries. It will highlight the common values shared by Muslims worldwide andtheir potential to create unity.

2.    The Quran's Role in Personal and SpiritualTransformation: Here, we will examine the Quran's impacton individuals, nurturing a sense of belonging, purpose, and spiritual growth.We will explore personal testimonies, anecdotes, and experiences thatdemonstrate how the Quran has transformed lives and contributed to unity withinMuslim communities.

3.   Quran as the Lightof Mankind: The Quran is often referred to as"Nur" (light) in Islamic literature, symbolizing its ability toilluminate hearts, minds, and souls. It serves as a beacon of knowledge,wisdom, and spiritual enlightenment, guiding individuals towards the path ofrighteousness and virtue. Understanding the Quran's teachings can empowerMuslims to lead purposeful lives, shaping their actions and decisions inaccordance with its divine guidance.

4.    Promoting Intra-Muslim Dialogue and Understanding: This section will focus on the Quran's teachings regarding respectful dialogue,tolerance, and understanding within the Muslim community. It will emphasize theimportance of open-mindedness, empathy, and acceptance as key ingredients forfostering unity, while addressing issues such as sectarianism and extremism.

5.    The Quran's Influence on Social Justice and Equality: This segment will shed light on the Quran's emphasis on social justice,equality, and the eradication of discrimination. It will highlight instanceswhere the Quran has inspired Muslims to work together to address societalchallenges, champion human rights, and create a more equitable world.

6.    Showcasing Unity in Diversity: This section will celebrate the diversity within the Muslim community andhighlight how the Quran encourages Muslims to embrace and appreciate theirdifferences. It will showcase examples of multiculturalism, interculturalcollaborations, and unity in diverse Muslim societies worldwide.

7.    Leveraging Technology for Quranic Education andOutreach: In the digital age, technology can play a crucial rolein disseminating Quranic knowledge and fostering unity among Muslims worldwide.Online platforms, mobile applications, and social media can be utilized toshare Quranic teachings, promote understanding, and create a global communityof learners and practitioners.

8.    The Quran's Role in Countering Extremism andSectarianism: Countering Misinterpretations and Distortions: Here, we will addresscommon misinterpretations and distortions of the Quran that have contributed toextremism and sectarianism. By promoting proper exegesis and contextualunderstanding of the Quranic verses, we can provide a counter-narrative toextremist ideologies.

9.    Promoting Religious Tolerance and Freedom ofWorship: This section will emphasize the significance ofreligious freedom and the need to respect the sacred texts and beliefs of allreligious communities. It will underscore the importance of upholding therights of Muslims to practice their faith without fear of discrimination ordisrespect.

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Nairobi Kenya

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