• Dec 2 2023 - 10:23
  • 416
  • Study time : Less than one minute

The Vali Faghih Representative and Iranian Pilgrim Leader, H.E. Syed Abdul Fattah Nawab, Visits Restu Foundation and Participates in Friday Prayer

Iranian Delegation

H.E. Syed Abdul Fattah Nawab: Representative of the Religious Guardian in matters of Hajj and pilgrimage and Head of Iranian Pilgrims in the Islamic Republic of Iran

Dr. Mansoor Mirahmadi: Deputy of International Affairs, Hajj Matters, Islamic Republic of Iran

Mr. Baksahraee: The Charge d'affaires of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Malaysia, Kula Lumpur

Dr. Habibreza Arzani: Cultural Counsellor of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Malaysia, Kuala Lumpura 


Malaysian delegation

Respected Datuk Abdul Latif Mirasa
Executive Chairman of the RESTU Foundation, accompanied by his esteemed delegation
MALAYSIA kualalumpur

MALAYSIA kualalumpur

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