• Aug 3 2023 - 09:21
  • 262
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The Completion of the special online Persian language courses of the YPB Educational Institute (YPB)

The Completion of the special online Persian language courses of the YPB Educational Institute (YPB)

online Persian language courses of the YPB Educational Institute (YPB) and collaboration with the Culture House of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mumbai for the first time in the Dombivali district of the suburbs of Mumbai were completed with the final exam.

The Completion  of the special online Persian language courses of the YPB Educational Institute (YPB)

The  online Persian language courses of the YPB Educational Institute (YPB) and  collaboration with the Culture House of the Islamic Republic of Iran Mumbai for the first time in the Dombivali district of the suburbs of Mumbai were completed with the final exam.

These courses started on March 25 (05/01/1402) with the attendance of 35 students in two classes of 20 and 15 people and ended on August 1 (10/05/1402) with the final exam.

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