Quds day, officially in Iran know as INTERNATIONAL QUDS DAY, it is an annual event that began in Iran in 1979 and it is also commemorated in several countries in the Arab and Muslim World. To this end, organization of Islamic cooperation (O.I.C) Adopted this day as the National Day of Quds (city) to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposing Zionism as well as Israel’s control of Jerusalem.
Quds day, officially in Iran know as INTERNATIONAL QUDS DAY, it is an annual event that began in Iran in 1979 and it is also commemorated in several countries in the Arab and Muslim World. To this end, organization of Islamic cooperation (O.I.C) Adopted this day as the National Day of Quds (city) to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposing Zionism as well as Israel’s control of Jerusalem.
It is normally marked on the last Friday of Ramadan by marches and demonstrations around the world, to express solidarity with the Palestinian people and opposing Zionism as well as Israel’s control of Jerusalem.
Quds day is synonym to establishing OPPRESSED MUSLIM PARTY which main function shall be to develop the Muslims and open their eyes to the problem confronting Muslims worldwide and proffer ways to confront this problem with view to bring about united Muslims Ummah whose goal shall be worshipping ALLAH socially, politically, economically and spiritually. It is also not merely a strategic solution for the Palestinian problem, as it to be viewed as a key for solving the world problems; any freedom lover and justice seeker in the world must do it best for the annihilation of the Zionist regime in order to pave the path for the establishment of justice and freedom in the world.
Israel, which gained independence as a modern country in 1948, claims Jerusalem as its capital. But this is not internationally recognized because the ancient city is also the proclaimed capital of the State of Palestine. Jerusalem's unresolved status is one of the core questions at the heart of the Israel-Palestine conflict.
US President Donald Trump’s provocative statements on the occupied Syrian Golan drew a storm of international condemnations and criticism, as many states and parties asserted their rejection of these reckless statements, and at the same time they expressed adherence to the relevant international resolutions, which assert that the Golan have always been and will always remain a part of Syria.
It is almost impossible to see the logic of the Trump administration’s expected recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, and possibly moving the U.S. embassy to Israel there—before it even unveils what’s certain to be a controversial plan for Middle East peace, which will be tough enough to sell.
“We therefore call all Muslims worldwide and all peace and freedom lovers to see support for Palestinians, the weak and oppressed throughout the world, as a personal as well as collective obligation. They should also condemn in totality Israeli aggression on innocent civilians, as they are living witnesses of the historical injustice and the deprivation of fundamental human rights by these enemies of humanity. We should encourage abstaining from trading in and buying all goods made by them, severing disharmony and legalizing shedding of blood of fellow Muslims among other measures.
In Iran, the day's parades are sponsored and organized by the government. Events include mass marches and rallies. Senior Iranian leaders give fiery speeches condemning Israel, as well as the U.S. government. The crowds respond with chants of "Death to Israel", and "Death to America". According to Roger Howard, many Iranians under the age of 30 continue to participate in Quds Day events, though proportionately less than those on the streets. He adds that many Iranian students on campus say in private that the Arab–Israeli conflict has "nothing to do with us."
Quds Day protests have been held in parts of the Middle East and in London and Berlin and the United States. Marches in London have drawn up to 3,000 people, while Berlin saw 1,600 protestors in 2018. Rallies were held in at least 18 cities across the United States in 2017
Islamic and human right activists worldwide even among the Jews keep the spirit of Quds Day alive by demonstrations, write ups and lectures in major cities.”
The Quds Day is a universal day; it is not an exclusive day for Quds itself.
Iranian politicians abidingly attend Quds Day rallies and deliver anti-Israel diatribes to showcase their steadfast commitment to the regime’s opposition to Israel. Tehran’s May 2019 Quds Day festivities were centered around Iran’s rejection of the Trump administration’s forthcoming Israeli-Palestinian peace plan, branded as “the deal of the century.” The procession featured numerous examples of incitement, including demonstrators burning American and Israeli flags and effigies of President Trump and Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. In remarks to reporters, President Rouhani declared, "Palestinians will definitely emerge victorious in confrontation with the Zionist aggressors. … The issue of Deal of the Century will undoubtedly turn into the bankruptcy of the century and will certainly not yield results."
Following the rally, the participants issued a communique in which they vowed to reject negotiations and back armed “resistance” as the only viable path to advance the Palestinian national movement. The statement proclaimed, “Liberation of the al-Quds and all other Palestinian territories from the Zionist (Israel) occupation is the main goal of the Islamic world. The only way to settle the issue of Palestine is to press ahead with resistance, to allow for the return of all displaced Palestinians from around the world to their motherland, and to hold a free referendum to decide the fate of their country."
Quds Day in 2020 took place on Friday, May 22. Iran, which has been especially hard hit by the coronavirus, weighed canceling the 2020 demonstrations or moving them online. Ultimately, Iran decided to put on a modified Quds Day, which underscored that even a pandemic would not deter the Iranian regime from holding its annual display of demonization of Israel.
Ahead of the 2020 Quds Day, the Office of Iran’s Supreme Leader also released an anti-Semitic poster calling for “the final solution: resistance until referendum,” evoking Nazi-era rhetoric. The poster depicted Jerusalem following a Muslim reconquest with a poster of slain former IRGC-Quds Force commander Qassem Soleimani prominently displayed on the city’s walls.
It is a day for the oppressed to rise and stand up against the arrogant. “IMAM KHOMEINI”
Quds day is not for Palestine’s but for Muslims
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