• Sep 27 2024 - 07:59
  • 121
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Closure of the First Session of Islamic Training Course Propels Education Delivery in Zimbabwe

The closure of the First Session of the Islamic Training Course Program, hosted by the Cultural Centre of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran in collaboration with the Social Influencers Organization and the Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs in Zimbabwe.

The closure marked a significant milestone in the ongoing efforts to improve education delivery in Zimbabwe. This intensive program, designed to equip teachers with the necessary knowledge and skills to effectively integrate Islamic values and principles into the curriculum, deepened Teachers understanding of Islamic history, theology, and philosophy. 
In addition, the program has equipped the participants with effective teaching strategies and classroom management techniques specifically tailored to Islamic education. While they  have also learned how to seamlessly integrate Islamic values and principles into various subjects, fostering a holistic and well-rounded education.
Thus, Zimbabwe as a multi-faith proud nation, a new sustainable approach in the interfaith arena has been elevated through encouraging the trained Teachers to develop a greater appreciation for different faiths and cultures, promoting tolerance and respect among students.
In conclusion the collaboration of distinctive organizations has laid the foundation for a more effective religious and cultural exchange that has fostered and introduced a vast circle of opportunities in the education and development industry in Zimbabwe .
حراره  زیمبابوه

حراره زیمبابوه


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