• Jan 24 2023 - 13:40
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The Committee on dialogue among religions and faith traditions in Zimbabwe unequivocally condemns this deliberate abuse of the Holy Qur’an, provocations and incitement against Muslims

The Committee on dialogue among religions and faith traditions in Zimbabwe unequivocally condemns this deliberate abuse of the Holy Qur’an, provocations and incitement against Muslims


On the 21st January 2023, Rasmus Paludan, leader of the Danish far-right party Stram Kurs (Hard Line), burnt a copy of the Holy Quran near the Turkish Embassy in Stockholm on Saturday. The Committee on dialogue among religions and faith traditions in Zimbabwe unequivocally condemns this deliberate abuse of the Holy Qur’an, provocations and incitement against Muslims. We reject hatred, extremism and exclusion, and prevent abuse of all religions and sanctities,

Both the Christian, Muslim and faith traditions of Zimbabwe, strongly oppose and condemn the burning of the Holy Quran. We respect Muslims and all other religions and their sacred books, symbols, sacred places and persons.

We call upon the UN to address this issue for the sake of harmony and peace in the world. Such sacrilegious acts go against the very concept of interfaith harmony and threaten the multicultural fabric of societies and brotherhood.

An insult to one faith is an insult to all religions and faith traditions.


Pastor Paul Makoni

حراره  زیمبابوه

حراره زیمبابوه

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