• Jul 23 2024 - 09:23
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World’s Oldest Adobe city to host Asia Cooperation Dialogue Summit

Yazd, an Iranian city shining bright as the tourism capital of the Asian Dialogue Forum in 2024, is set to host the ACD summit before this year is out, said a local official.

Yazd, an Iranian city shining bright as the tourism capital of the Asian Dialogue Forum in 2024, is set to host the ACD summit before this year is out, said a local official.

The summit will welcome tourism ministers, diplomats and experts from member countries, according to Mohammad Ali Shah-Hosseini.
The official highlighted the importance of international trade relations, adding that “Efforts have been made to enhance these international connections, and there is a focus on establishing joint platforms between Asian cities.”
Preparations, he further explained, have been underway to host an international summit of this scale, aiming to bolster potential partnerships.
Shah-Hosseini brought to light that the summit will welcome prominent delegations from ACD member states, significantly impacting Yazd’s touristic, economic, and international landscape. However, the official did not provide further detail about the schedule of the summit.

The Asia Cooperation Dialogue was established in June 2002 in Cha-Am, Thailand, with the objective of enhancing cooperation and regional integration among Asian governments and organizations. Currently, the ACD comprises 35 member countries. Presently, Iran holds the presidency of the ACD.

Yazd, a central Iranian city steeped in historical significance and cultural richness, achieved a momentous honor by being designated as the tourism capital among member states of ACD in 2024.

Yazd’s historical eminence, underscored by its UNESCO World Heritage status as the world’s premier adobe city, further enhances its newfound role. Renowned for its architectural marvels, Yazd encapsulates a tapestry of historical monuments, earning titles such as the “land of wind towers” among its many enchanting accolades.

This prestigious recognition propels Yazd onto the global stage, celebrating its legacy as a guardian of ancient traditions and a pivotal bridge for nurturing dialogue and collaboration among nations.

حراره  زیمبابوه

حراره زیمبابوه

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