• Mar 25 2024 - 09:16
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The Nowruz celebrations were held at the Women’s University in Africa (WUA) main campus in Harare. The event was attended by a large multitude of students from various faculties, academics, and university staff as well as by the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of Iran in Zimbabwe, Mr. Hamid Bakhtiyar.

21 March 2024
It was all fun fare as Zimbabwe joined the Islamic Republic of Iran in commemorating the international day of Nowruz yesterday (20 March 2024).
The Nowruz celebrations were held at the Women’s University in Africa's (WUA) main campus in Harare. The event was attended by a large multitude of students from various faculties, academics, and university staff, as well as by the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of Iran in Zimbabwe, Mr. Hamid Bakhtiyar.
Amid the pomp and fun fare, the guests were taken down memory lane by Mr. Bakhtiyar on the values of Nowruz and what the day stands for in the culturally rich and traditionally closely-knit Iranian nation.
As per the true centuries old tradition, a haftsin was arranged, and a detailed explanation was also given to the expectant guests, who looked mesmerized by the whole set up. 
Mr Bakhtiyar had a torrid time answering all the questions on all the aspects of Nowruz that were being asked by the academic staff of the university as well as by the students.
To spice up the day, the Cultural Centre of the Embassy of Iran also mounted a photographic and handicrafts exhibition at the venue. Part of the exhibition included a power point presentation by Mr Bakhtiyar on the achievements of Iran since the fruition of the Islamic Revolution. Iran’s capabilities in the various scientific and technological sectors were also showcased.
The guests were again mesmerized by the handicrafts on display and were equally amazed by the deep cultural heritage of Iran as well as by the artistic excellence of the master carvers and painters. 
They were also equally shell shocked when they were told that all the handicrafts on display were handmade. Such handmade handicrafts are not so common in Zimbabwe.
Speaking at the celebrations, Mr. Hamid Bakhtiyar said the Nowruz celebrations were also part of the broader efforts by Iran in showcase its diverse and deep cultural heritage to the people of Zimbabwe.
He said the Nowruz celebrations were part of the broader cultural exchange program between Zimbabwe and Iran, which is meant to benefit the university community as well.
He said Nowruz was registered and recognized as International Nowruz Day by the United Nations in 2009 and that the day is not only celebrated in Iran, but also in many other countries of the global world.
Whilst lauding the excellent diplomatic relations between Zimbabwe and Iran, Mr Bakhtiyar also thanked the university for hosting the Nowruz celebrations.
Speaking on behalf of the Vice Chancellor of the University, Prof. Sunungurai Chingarande, was Prof. Sam Takavarasha, who noted that the Nowruz celebrations expose Zimbabwe to various cultures. 
He encouraged the students to open up to various cultures. Prof Takavarasha said Nouruz will awaken his university as it “reinvigorates intellectual curiosity within the university academic community.”
Professor Takavarasha concluded by wishing the Islamic Republic of Iran a happy Nowruz.
حراره  زیمبابوه

حراره زیمبابوه


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