An overview of the social status of women in Iran
After the Islamic revolution of Iran, there are many criticisms of the situation of Iranian women in the western media, but in this article, an attempt has been made to point out the rights of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran with a realistic view.

After the Islamic revolution of Iran, there are many criticisms of the situation of Iranian women in the western media, but in this article, an attempt has been made to point out the rights of women in the Islamic Republic of Iran with a realistic view.
In order to explain the social situation of Iranian women, their situation should be examined in two periods before and after the Islamic revolution, because psychologically, "each person should be compared with his past and not with another". Accordingly, Eastern and Asian women in Islamic countries should be compared with their own past, not with the status of women in Western countries.
Despite the numerous advertisements regarding the greater activity of Iranian women before the Islamic Revolution, it should be noted that due to the traditional and religious society of Iran, many girls before the Islamic Revolution were not encouraged by their families to continue studying at the university and work, and the reason It came back to tolerance of environmental conditions and opposition to hijab.
Despite the criticisms that are heard regarding the observance of the Islamic hijab in the period after the Islamic Revolution, its positive aspects should be addressed. Meanwhile, paying attention to the percentage of female students in universities and their employment rate and their social presence is at the top of the list.
In the 1380s, a field comparison was made between the participation rate of Iranian and Turkish girls in the universities of Iran and Turkey as two Asian countries with Muslim populations. This comparison was important because Turkey was trying to join the European Union before 2014 to meet European standards.
At that time, when about 60% of Iranian girls entered Iranian universities, only 17% of girls in Turkey had obtained university degrees and higher education. The reason for this was due to the religious roots of Turkish society. In Turkey in the 1380s, with the announcement of laicity policies by the government, Turkish families religiously prevented their daughters from entering the university, which was accompanied by the prohibition of the hijab. The same is true for Muslims living in Europe, and due to the ban on the entry of girls wearing hijab, for example, in French universities, most Muslim girls in this country do not have higher education. This has caused the humiliation and backwardness of the .
Muslim community in France.
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