Common Heritage of Iran and India: Manuscript: Capacities and Challenges (ICCHI 2022)

  • Start date : Oct 6 2021
  • End date : Jan 20 2022
  • Place : Division of Research and Digital Resources Organizes:
  • Capacity : webinar
Common Heritage of Iran  and  India: Manuscript: Capacities and Challenges (ICCHI 2022)

Division of Research and Digital Resources Organizes:

The International Conference on

Common Heritage of Iran  and  India:

Manuscript: Capacities and Challenges (ICCHI 2022)

Conference Topics:

Background of Manuscript Studies in India: Methods,

Comparative Studies

Review and Editing of Manuscript

Introducing rare manuscripts and new collection

Arts of the Book Decoration

Manuscript Cataloging: Practices and Challenges

Preservation and restoration of manuscripts

Manuscripts Information Services

Dignitaries and famous persons in the field of manuscript


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