• May 5 2023 - 08:03
  • 333
  • Study time : 5 minute(s)
The fifty fourth clip titled "Let's make our Thursdays Quranic" was released

The fifty fourth clip titled "Let's make our Thursdays Quranic" was released

The fifty fourth clip titled "Let's make our Thursdays Quranic" was released

The fifty fourth clip titled "Let's make our Thursdays Quranic" was released


We start from where we left you last Friday and here are ayahs 7 and 8 of Surah Sajdah:

الّذی أحْسن کلّ شیْءٍ خلقه ۖ وبدأ خلْق الْإنسان من طینٍ

ثمّ جعل نسْله من سلالةٍ مّن مّاءٍ مّهینٍ

“Who perfected everything that He created, and commenced man’s creation from clay.”

“Then He made his progeny from an extract of a base fluid.”

In the last programme of this series, we discussed the creation of the earth and the heavens and the orderly management of the whole system of the universe by the Almighty Creator Who is Aware of everything. The two ayahs that we recited to you now stress two points. The first is that whatever God has created including inanimate bodies, plants, animals and humans, He has created in the best possible way without the least defect in any species. The second point is the ayahs mention the creation of mankind separately, as the finest and most perfect of God’s creation. This is indicative of the value attached to the human race. God created Adam, the first human being, from clay and granted him the power of reproduction through the embryo placed in the womb of his wife, Eve. It is to be noted that although human embryo is apparently a base fluid, in terms of the floating vital cells in it is very complicated and precise and is considered among the signs of glory of God and His knowledge.

The other point is that contrary to Darwin’s theory of evolution who believes that man is a product of the evolutionary process of a species of apes, this ayah means to say that as per the Will of God, Adam, although created from clay, was granted sperms for reproduction of the human race through his wife Eve, and all his progeny that multiplied and spread around the earth, is in perfect human form. Not only ayah 7 of Surah Sajdah but the other ayahs of the holy Quran emphasize the point that Adam has had no father and mother. For instance ayah 59 of Surah Aal-e Imran likens the creation of Jesus who had no father to the creation of Adam who had no father as well as no mother. Darwin’s absurd theory is further disproved when we look carefully at the stature of a human beings and think about every one of the systems of his body we see that, from the point of construction, volume, the condition of cells, and the manner of their work have been just created in a way that they can perform their duty very well. In other words, God has decreed such a harmonized relationship between the human organs that all of them, with no exception, effect each other and are affected by each other. And this meaning is exactly seen in the whole universe with many varieties of creatures, especially in the world of living beings that have some organizations entirely different.

From these ayahs we learn that:

  1. God has created everything in the most perfect way, which means none of the different forms of creation, whether inanimate objects or for that matter the various species of plants and animals have no defect.
  2. God has created human beings as the most perfect form of creation, with Adam who was molded from clay being granted all organs and granted the power of reproduction through the sperm placed in his body.
  3. The perfectness of the human race does not mean that man should behave arrogantly.

Now we listen to and read ayah 9 of Surah Sajdah:

ثمّ سوّاه ونفخ فیه من رّوحه ۖ وجعل لکم السّمْع والْأبْصار والْأفْئدة ۚ قلیلًا مّا تشْکرون

“Then He proportioned him and breathed into him of His Spirit, and made for you the hearing, the sight, and the hearts. Little do you thank.”

This ayah has referred to the phases of creation of Adam and his progeny and means to say: God created the human being proportionally and granted him a strong body. Then by breathing into him of His Spirit, He distinguished him from the other living creatures. The other living creatures, like animals, birds and insects, have eyes and ears, but they are devoid of sense, intellect, the power of speech, and the power to distinguish between good and evil, that is, being worthy of what has come to be known as humanitarian values. This is due to the “Spirit” that God breathed into Father Adam and which every human being that is born, is endowed with, and which enables mankind to analyze whatever is seen and heard, to appreciate the wonders of creation, and to discover the laws governing the universe. For instance, the different laws of the universe that mankind has explored and classified as physics, chemistry, biology and other sciences, are proof of God’s gift, since on this basis the human being continues to strive toward innovation, development and progress. This is while no change is observed in the manner of the life led by other live creatures. For instance, bee of today, as compared to the bee of one thousand years ago, makes hive in the same way and produces honey in the same way. This ayah points to the faculties of eyes, ears and intellect as well. It is evident that these great blessings warrant gratitude and thankfulness to the All-Wise Creator, but unfortunately most of humans become negligent, and it is little thanks they give. Those who thank God and are grateful to Him should also note that sense of gratitude, can never be adequate to God’s infinite blessings.

From this ayah we learn that:

  1. The blessings of God are infinite and mankind can never be thankful of Divine Favours.
  2. The intellect should be used in the proper way, otherwise there won’t be any difference between animal life and human values.
  3. Human is a creature with two dimensions. One is material and the other is spiritual which is of course valuable and vital.


نیجریه ابوجا

نیجریه ابوجا

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