• Apr 17 2023 - 13:30
  • 367
  • Study time : 6 minute(s)
The fifty-first clip titled "Let's make our Thursdays Quranic" was released

The fifty-first clip titled "Let's make our Thursdays Quranic" was released

The fifty-first clip titled "Let's make our Thursdays Quranic" was released

The fifty-first clip titled "Let's make our Thursdays Quranic" was released


We start from where we left you last Friday and here are ayahs 25 and 26 of Surah Luqman:

ولئن سألْتهم مّنْ خلق السّماوات والْأرْض لیقولنّ اللّـه ۚ قل الْحمْد للّـه ۚ بلْ أکْثرهمْ لا یعْلمون

للّـه ما فی السّماوات والْأرْض ۚ إنّ اللّـه هو الْغنیّ الْحمید

“If you ask them, ‘Who created the heavens and the earth?’ they will surely say, ‘Allah.’ Say, ‘All praise belongs to Allah!’ Yet most of them do not know.”

“To Allah belongs whatever is in the heavens and the earth. Indeed Allah is the All-Sufficient, the All-Laudable.”

These ayahs point to one of the most evident proofs of Allah’s power and authority, which even the pagans admit, since it is not concealed to even the idol worshippers that Allah is the Creator. On one side, this means the pagans never denying the absolute power of God, only believed the idols they had created were merely manifestation of divine power and means of intercession with the Almighty. On the other side, it is a reference to the fact that Monotheism and the manifestation of this Divine Light in the nature of all humankind is innate. Thus, this is confession of indivisible Unty of the Creator, to whom all praise belongs since the One and Only Allah is the Creator of all things, while the idols are creation of the warped minds of the pagans.

The next ayah means to say that only Allah the Almighty, is the Creator and the Owner of all the creatures, and also it is only He Who is Self-Sufficient and Most Praised.

From these ayahs we learn that:

  1. Even those who worship idols cannot deny the power of God Who is the Creator of the entire universe.  
  2. All praise belongs to the Almighty Lord.
  3. Deviation is the result of ignorance and unawareness, and the only correct path is monotheism which the Prophets preached so as to prevent people from going astray.

Now we listen to and read ayah 27 of Surah Luqman:

ولوْ أنّما فی الْأرْض من شجرةٍ أقْلامٌ والْبحْر یمدّه من بعْده سبْعة أبْحرٍ مّا نفدتْ کلمات اللّـه ۗ إنّ اللّـه عزیزٌ حکیمٌ

“If all the trees on the earth were pens, and the sea replenished with seven more seas [were ink], the words of Allah would not be spent. Indeed Allah is all-mighty, all-wise.

This ayah is an illustration of the endless knowledge and power of Allah which has been depicted by means of a comprehensive similitude. We must think properly that for writing the whole knowledge of a person usually a pen and some amount of ink is sufficient; and it is even possible that with this very single pen some other people write down their entire knowledge on the sheet of paper, but as this ayah says “…if all the trees on the earth were pens…”, we know that there can be produced thousands or millions of pens from the trunk and branches of a single tall tree. Also, we know about three fourth of the surface of the earth that it is covered by water with a very considerable depth. Now, how wonderful will it be if all the oceans on the earth become ink for writing and how much knowledge and sciences can be written down by them? Specially by adding seven other seas to them that each of them is equal to all the oceans of the earth, and particularly that the figure ‘seven’ here does not mean number but it is for multiplicity and denotes to numerous seas, it makes it clear that how vast is the knowledge of Allah, the Almighty, the Wise. Moreover, all of them will be ended but the words of Allah will not be exhausted. Is there any illustration more interesting and more beautiful than this to show such infiniteness? This figure is so expressive and comprehensive that might take with itself the waves of man’s thought into the unlimited horizons and causes him to be in full wonder. It should be added that the figure ‘seven’ in the Arabic language is sometimes used for multiplicity and perhaps it is for this view point that former nations counted seven the spheres of the solar system (and in fact whatever is seen today by natural eyes in solar system is not more than seven spheres).

From this ayah we learn that:

  1. The wonders of creation cannot be encompassed by the human mind.    
  2. The entire phenomena testify to the Oneness of the Creator, whose knowledge and power is infinite.

Now we listen to and read ayah 28 of Surah Luqman:

مّا خلْقکمْ ولا بعْثکمْ إلّا کنفْسٍ واحدةٍ ۗ إنّ اللّـه سمیعٌ بصیرٌ

“Your creation and your resurrection are not but as of a single soul. Indeed Allah is All-Hearing, All-Seeing.”

In continuation of the previous ayah which states the glory and wonders of creation, this ayah again points to the infinite power of God when it refers to the fact of resurrection, which the atheists and the weak of faith deny. The origin of scepticism in the principle of Resurrection is sometimes the length of time that how do the dead bodies return to life again after a long time? Sometimes its origin is the dead themselves that how can the rotten bones, which have been mixed and scattered, be separated from each other? And sometimes its cause is being informed of the deeds, behaviour, and that how will those of all human beings be reckoned after the recreation of the dead? In this verse, Allah answers to all of these paradoxes by a single sentence. The holy Qur’an implies that raising you all after your death is as easy for Him as the creation of one of you, and the length of time has no role in it. He hears and sees your murmurs and knows all your deeds, and He will reckon all of them. Therefore, quantity, population, time and place, and even ‘hidden and manifest’ have no effect in Allah’s Knowledge and Power, since He is All-Hearing and All-Seeing, and is aware of even the thoughts that flash across our minds.  

From this ayah we learn that:

  1. Time, place and numbers are for us the human beings, but since Divine Power is infinite, they have no relation to the Essence of the One and Only Creator.
  2. If we know that God hears all our talk and sees all our deeds, we will be more careful in our behaviour and guard ourselves against sins and crimes.



نیجریه ابوجا

نیجریه ابوجا

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