• Dec 29 2022 - 09:27
  • 549
  • Study time : 9 minute(s)
The thirty-seventh clip titled "Let's make our Thursdays Quranic" was released

The thirty-seventh clip titled "Let's make our Thursdays Quranic" was released

The thirty-seventh clip titled "Let's make our Thursdays Quranic" was releasedThe thirty-seventh clip titled "Let's make our Thursdays Quranic" was released


The thirty-seventh clip titled "Let's make our Thursdays Quranic" was released

We start from where we left you last week and here is ayah 20 of Surah Rum:

First we listen to ayah 20 of Surah Roum:

ومنْ آیاته أنْ خلقکم مّن ترابٍ ثمّ إذا أنتم بشرٌ تنتشرون

“Of His signs is that He created you from dust, then, behold, you are humans scattering [all over]!”

This ayah urges us to contemplate on the wonders of creation. The signs of Allah are not countable; what is mentioned contains a few ones from a great deal of them. This ayah, as well as a part of the later ayahs, reiterates some interesting points. It says life started from dust. It reminds mankind, the best of all creation which is mostly ungrateful to the Lord Most High and even refuses to recognize the Omnipresence of the Almighty Creator, despite using God-given faculties to master science and technology and then abuse these powers, that their origin is lifeless dust. Even the foodstuff, which constructs the man’s being, directly or indirectly, is wholly taken from dust. Dust itself has neither light, nor warmth, nor beauty, nor freshness, nor movement, but it is the origin of mankind and the wonderful qualities granted to the human race. If we compare with dust the delicate curtains inside the eye, which are more delicate, sensitive and tender than a petal, or the extraordinary delicate and sensitive cells of mind, we will then understand how Excellent is the Lord Who has applied an amazing power to produce such sensitive, exact, and worthy systems from dust, a dark and seemingly worthless matter! The One Who, from such a lifeless matter that is counted as the lowest elements of nature, produces a wonderful living creature such as the human being, is worthy of any kind of praise for this His endless power and knowledge.

From this ayah we learn that:

  1. In view of the wonders of human nature, it is self-cognizance that helps us to become truly cognizant of God, as is evident by a famous phrase from Imam Ali (AS), the First Infallible Heir of Prophet Mohammad (blessings of God upon him and his progeny).
  2. Since we have all been created from dust and to dust we return, there is no point in waxing proud, feeling arrogant, and haughtily degrading fellow human on the superfluous basis of wealth, position, ethnicity, and colour of skin.

Now we turn to ayah 21 of Surah Roum:

ومنْ آیاته أنْ خلق لکم مّنْ أنفسکمْ أزْواجًا لّتسْکنوا إلیْها وجعل بیْنکم مّودّةً ورحْمةً ۚ إنّ فی ذٰلک لآیاتٍ لّقوْمٍ یتفکّرون

“And of His signs is that He created for you mates from your own selves that you may take comfort in them, and He ordained affection and mercy between you. There are indeed signs in that for a people who reflect.”

This ayah refers to another great divine sign which is the law of marriage and it means to say: God has created mates for your selves from your own kind, in order to live in harmony. In other words, a spouse must be the cause of peace, not the cause of agitation and anxiety. The aim of marriage is not often only satisfying the sexual instinct, but the aim is mostly striving towards both spiritual and physical tranquility. This is regarded as one of the great bounties of Allah, because the two genders, that is, male and female, are complementary of each other, and harmoniously contribute to the fruitfulness, and development of the other, which means that without the bond of marriage with the opposite gender, both the male and the female are imperfect. To be more precise, those who turn away from the sanctity of the marriage bond, lead an incomplete life, because one of their developing stages has stopped – except that some particular conditions and a necessity, such as physical disorder truly requires a person to remain single. As modern man has begun to discover, abandonment of marriage could lead to various physical and psychological ailments. Also the lack of spiritual equilibrium, which the single persons are faced with, are, more or less, clear to everybody. From the social viewpoint, the unmarried persons feel less responsibility than others and, for this reason, suicide is more common among them than among others, and they commit horrible crimes more than others, too. When a person turns from the stage of celibacy into the stage of family and married life, he/she finds a new personality in his/her own self, and feels a further responsibility; and this is the meaning of feeling tranquility under the light of marriage. The issues of ‘love’ and ‘mercy’, in fact, are the ‘clay’ and the ‘adhesive substance’, of constructional materials of the human society, because a society is formed by each one of the individuals of human beings, like a huge and glorious building which is made of bricks and pieces of stone. If these separate individuals, and those different parts do not relate to each other and combine with each other, there will not appear a ‘society’ or ‘a building’. Almighty Allah, Who has created mankind for social life, has provided this necessary relation in his soul, too.

From this ayah we learn that:

  1. Man and woman are complementary to each other, and the two genders harmoniously contribute to the growth and development of the human society, a fact that negates the theory of woman being an inferior creature, as well as the destructive tendency of feminists in hating men.
  2. Islam builds a sound and healthy society by decreeing marriage between man and woman, with emphasis on love, affection, and mercy between them, in order to remove causes of tension and anxiety.
  3. Healthy relations between the two opposite genders ensure peace of mind and tranquility of heart, as well as nurturing the sense of responsibility in the spouses towards each other, towards their children and towards the society.
  4. Disintegration of marriage, as is happening in Godless societies, or even the weakening of the familial bond, brings thousands of calamities, unhappiness, trauma and social uneasiness.

Now we listen to ayah 22 of Surah Roum:

ومنْ آیاته خلْق السّماوات والْأرْض واخْتلاف ألْسنتکمْ وألْوانکمْ ۚ إنّ فی ذٰلک لآیاتٍ لّلْعالمین

“Among His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the difference of your languages and colours. There are indeed signs in that for those who know.”

This ayah urges us to contemplate on the wonders of the creation of the heavens and the earth, and then to reflect on our own earthly differences, that is, the multiplicity of languages spoken and the skin-colours of the human race, which are all indeed signs of God, for those who properly ponder. For instance, the heavens, with those plenty of spheres, those many systems and galaxies; are some things whose greatness our thought cannot perceive, and our mind gets tired by studying them. The more man’s knowledge develops the more new points of God’s greatness are revealed. Once man considered the heavenly stars the same number of them that he could see by his eyes. The scientists had counted the stars which can be seen with natural eyes about five to six thousand stars. But when some stronger and greater telescopes were made, the greatness and multiplicity of stars of heaven increased more, so much that today the scientists believe that our galaxy, which is one of the abundant galaxies of the heaven, contains, more than one hundred million stars; and our sun, with its glary glory, is counted as one of its mean stars. And only Allah knows how many stars exist in all galaxies, the number of which is not known to anyone yet. Also, the more the natural sciences, geology, botany, zoology, anatomy, physiology, psychology and its branches develop, the more new wonders are discovered about the creation of the earth, each of which is a sign out of the signs of the greatness of Allah.

Towards its end, the ayah once again points to human beings and refers to their two important characteristics: that is, difference of languages which is the factor for shaping various dialects and accents, and difference of colours which create various races. Imagine that if all humans were all similar in countenance, colour and tone of voice how could they be distinguished from each other? How could child distinguish his father and mother from other thousands of similar men and women? And how could spouses distinguish each other?

Difference in countenance and dialects is the best way for recognition of humans from each other. Moreover, if this difference and diversity did not exist, life in human society would become drab and dry. It is exactly as you enter a city where all cars are the same model and have the same colour. Likewise, if all the members of humankind have the same form, the same feature, and the same size, on the same day the regularity of their life will be disturbed. Thus, for recognition Allah has created eyes, colours, faces, and different shapes. For the recognition by the ears He created difference in songs, tones and sounds so that no one can find two persons in the world whose features and tones of sound are the same from all points of view, i.e., the man’s face which is a small limb, and the tone of his sound, which is a simple matter, by Allah’s power, are produced in many billions of different shapes, and this is among the signs of His greatness.

From these ayahs we learn that:

  1. In addition to discovering the wonders of nature for the benefit of mankind and their scope of knowledge, experimental science should contribute to the growth and perfection of human belief in the All-Wise and Omnipotent God.
  2. According to scientists, the difference of races, colours and languages are superficial, and are indeed among the signs of glory of Allah.
  3. It is ignorance to consider these differences as the source of personal or national pride and the humiliating and ridiculing of others.
  4. Every language has its own value. Therefore, no one has the right to humiliate and mock the other races and languages.


  1. https://www.facebook.com/iranianconsulateabuja/videos/624230579458796




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