• Sep 1 2024 - 20:00
  • 84
  • Study time : 6 minute(s)

Holding a mourning ceremony for the passing away of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), the martyrdom of Imam Hassan Mojtabi (AS) and the martyrdom of Imam Ali Ibn Musa Al-Ridha (AS) in the Cultural Center of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Manila

Simultaneously with the final days of the month of Safar, a mourning ceremony commemorating the demise of the great Prophet of Islam (PBUH) and the martyrdom of two shining stars of Imamate and Wilayah, Imam Hassan Mojtaba (AS) and Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (AS), was held on Sunday, September 1st, in the Cultural Center hall. A group of Iranian residents and devotees of the Ahl al-Bayt attended the event, where they recited the Ziyarat of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and listened to the speech of Hujjat al-Islam " Mustoura," a Filipino scholar from the seminary in Qom. The ceremony concluded with mourning rituals and chest beating.

The ceremony began at 8:00 PM with the recitation of the Ziyarat of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). Then, Mr. Abolghasemi, the Cultural Counselor, welcomed the mourners and, in a brief speech, extended his condolences on the passing of the Prophet (PBUH) and the martyrdom of the two shining stars of Imamate, Imam Hassan Mojtaba (AS) and Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (AS). He noted that when the Prophet returned to Medina after his final pilgrimage and the event of Ghadir, it became clear to him that his departure from this world was near. During his final days, the Prophet would frequently give sermons, using every moment to guide and counsel the people. He consistently advised his followers not to stray from his path, avoid innovation in the religion, and remain steadfast in their adherence to the Ahl al-Bayt (AS). However, after the Prophet's demise, grave injustices befell his family, with each of his descendants being martyred in different ways.

He then expressed his gratitude for the heartfelt participation of mourners during the mourning ceremonies of Muharram and Safar and invited Hujjat al-Islam " Mustoura," a Filipino scholar of the Qom seminary, who was present for preaching during these months, to deliver his speech.



Mr. Mastoura, in his speech delivered in English, began by praising the Almighty and expressing reverence for the Ahl al-Bayt (AS) and offering condolences on the sorrowful passing of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Imam Hassan Mojtabi (AS), and Imam Ali ibn Musa al-Ridha (AS). He explained that by reading the verses of the Qur'an, one can understand how beautifully Allah introduces the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) as His Messenger and the significance of his mission, as well as the responsibilities we hold. He referenced verse 157 of Surah Al-A'raf, where Allah says: "Those who follow the Messenger, the unlettered Prophet, whom they find written in what they have of the Torah and the Gospel, who enjoins upon them what is right and forbids them what is wrong, and makes lawful for them the good things and prohibits for them the evil, and relieves them of their burden and the shackles which were upon them. So they who have believed in him, honored him, supported him, and followed the light which was sent down with him – it is they who will be successful."  Mr. Mastoura emphasized that we must follow the Prophet’s guidance and the light that has been revealed through him, as doing so will lead to true salvation.



In this verse, which describes the ten attributes of the Holy Prophet (PBUH), two terms are used: "Rasul," meaning messenger, and "Nabi," meaning one who brings news. Mr. Mastoura explained that these two terms can be considered synonymous for prophets, but they also highlight the broader scope of the responsibility carried by a "Rasul" compared to a "Nabi." He went on to say that one of the great missions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) was "enjoining good and forbidding evil" (Amr bil Ma'ruf and Nahi anil Munkar). Just as Imam Hussain (AS) rose to continue his grandfather's mission by standing for enjoining good and forbidding evil, this mission is central to the essence of Islamic guidance and reform.

That is why the Holy Prophet (PBUH) said, **"Hussain is from me, and I am from Hussain"** (حسیْنٌ منّی وأنا منْ حسیْنٍ). This statement does not refer to the physical relationship between them but rather to their shared mission. Mr. Mastoura emphasized that it signifies the continuity of their divine responsibilities. He further explained that another attribute of the Prophet (PBUH), mentioned in the verse, is the ability to discern between good and evil, as well as between what is lawful (halal) and unlawful (haram). The Prophet would not consume any food unless he was certain of its permissibility, highlighting the importance of this principle in his life.

Therefore, it is necessary for us, as Muslims, to always make sure that the food we use is halal, because this food has its effects on our spiritual destiny and life, and affects the path of divine satisfaction, and if it is forbidden, it causes harm. At the end of his speech, he said that we should always honor our Prophet Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, and follow him. There is a good question in this verse: How should we help our prophet Muhammad, may God bless him and grant him peace, in the present time, when 1400 years have passed since his death? Whether we are Palestinians, Iranians, Arabs or anyone from wherever we come from, we must learn how and why we should help our Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in our time. God Almighty says: "So those who believe in him, support him, help him, and follow the light that has been sent down with him — they are the successful ones." This verse highlights the importance of faith, support, and following the divine guidance brought by the Prophet, which leads to true success.



So, Muslim brothers and sisters, if you want the happiness of this world and the hereafter, we must first have faith, secondly, we should honor Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), thirdly, we should help and support him, and fourthly, we should follow the Qur'an because we adhere to the Qur'an and the virtue of the Prophet of Islam. (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) causes the movement, growth, prosperity and evolution of human beings and human societies, this is the Islamic system. You should read and research about them and act on them. God willing, we will benefit from the satisfaction of God and His Prophet.

So, dear Muslim brothers and sisters, if you seek success in this world and the hereafter, you must follow four essential steps:


1. Have faith (in Allah and His Messenger),

2. Honor Prophet Muhammad (PBUH),

3. Support and assist him,

4. Follow the Quran.

Adherence to the Quran and the Prophet's family (Ahl al-Bayt) leads to progress, happiness, and perfection for individuals and societies. This is the system of Islam. We must study, research, and act upon these principles. Insha'Allah God willing, by doing so, we will gain the satisfaction of Allah and His Messenger.

The program ended with recitation and mention of the plight of the Ahl al-Bayt (PBUH) praisers and breast-beating, and the guests were welcomed.

The program concluded with elegies and lamentations performed by the eulogists of Ahl al-Bayt (AS), accompanied by chest beating (mournful rituals). Guests were then served meal.



Philippines manila

Philippines manila


Mr. Abolghasemi, the Cultural Counselor "> Hujjat al-Islam

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