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Harare News

Award-winning novel “Minor Detail” by Palestinian author published in Persian

The Persian translation of the book “Minor Detail” written by the Palestinian author Adania Shibli has been released in bookstores across Iran.

Hamedan draws 1.7 million sightseers in Q1

Hamedan’s historical and natural allure has captivated more than 1.7 million tourists in the course of the spring season. 1,764,144 number includes 3,786 foreign visitors tourists visited the historical sites, natural attractions, and museums of Hamedan province in the first three months of this year, a local official in charge of tourism told IRNA on Sunday.

Ghadir: A Prescription for Humanity

Ghadir is an indisputable matter in history and Islam. For Muslims, Eid al-Ghadir is “the greatest Eid determined by God, and it is above all other Eids.”

Shushtar Hydraulic System: a living testament to ancient water engineering in Iran

Today marks the anniversary of the UNESCO inscription of the Shushtar Historical Hydraulic System, a testament to the ingenuity and creativity of ancient Iranian engineering.

Sustainable Rural Tourism High on Agenda,

Deputy Tourism Minister Ali-Asghar Shalbafian has emphasized the importance of developing rural tourism in a way that minimizes environmental, social, and cultural drawbacks.

Iran participating in 30th Beijing International Book Fair

Iran is present at the 30th Beijing International Book Fair (BIBF) that commenced in Beijing, China, on Wednesday.

Mashhad is poised to welcome pilgrims for Eid al-Ghadir

The holy city of Mashhad, which is a main hub for religious tourism in Iran, is all set to host pilgrims in the course of the days between Eid al-Adha and Ghadir.

The youth can change the course of history

In a meeting with a number of young medalists in national and international student and university Olympiads, Imam Khamenei, Leader of the Islamic Revolution, praised the elite youth as a significant source of “profound and genuine hope.”

Cultural Counsellor In Ground Breaking Meeting With The Roman Catholic Church In Zimbabwe

Relations between the Roman Catholic Church in Zimbabwe and the Islamic Republic of Iran this Friday June 14, 2024, received a major boost following a groundbreaking meeting between the Secretary General of the Zimbabwe Catholic Bishops Conference (ZCBC), Father Tryvis Moyo and the Cultural Counsellor of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Mr Hamid Bakhtiyar in Harare.

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