• May 28 2023 - 09:24
  • 585
  • Study time : Less than one minute
Family, its challenges and damages in the contemporary world

Family, its challenges and damages in the contemporary world

Family, its challenges and damages in the contemporary world

Cultural consultation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nigeria with the aim of familiarizing with the challenges and harms of the family in the contemporary world, as well as benefiting from the useful experiences of other Islamic societies from each other, and emphasizing the achievement of a solution to overcome possible problems with the like-mindedness of thinkers and thinkers. has planned a series of specialized meetings this year. In this regard, the cultural consultation of our country in Nigeria held the first meeting of this series of meetings with the presence of scholars and academic and academic personalities and with the cooperation of non-governmental centers and institutions under the title "Family: its challenges and harms in the contemporary world" in Nigeria held

نیجریه ابوجا

نیجریه ابوجا

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