• Aug 23 2024 - 08:23
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Holding a specialized meeting about children and teenagers

How to Touch Life

The Cultural Consultation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nigeria has identified these groups and institutions in Nigeria with the aim of empowering institutions and organizations active in the field of women in Nigeria, especially related institutions and groups, in line with the thoughts and ideas of the rich culture of Shiism and the Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.).

  Holding a specialized meeting about children and teenagers

How to Touch Life

 The Cultural Consultation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nigeria has identified these groups and institutions in Nigeria with the aim of empowering institutions and organizations active in the field of women in Nigeria, especially related institutions and groups, in line with the thoughts and ideas of the rich culture of Shiism and the Ahl al-Bayt (a.s.).

The Nigerian Muslim Women's Association, known as the Al-Zahra Society of Nigeria, which was founded by a group of Muslim and Shiite university professors in Kano and Kaduna states in 1402, is one of these institutions active in the field of women in Nigeria.

In order to support and strengthen this institution and turn it into a reference and practical institution, the Cultural Consultation of our country intends to support the education-oriented and workshop programs of this society throughout the year. In this regard, based on the suggestion of the head of this association, Dr. Fatemeh Ismail, it is planned to hold a series of programs to enlighten and promote the general and social knowledge of women on a regular and periodic basis.

By the power of God, the third educational and workshop program of this group entitled "How to Touch Life"  was held by Ms. Fatemeh Ghorba  Yousef. He spoke about the role of study and education to have a greater impact on the young people, and explained its effects on society and the family based on scientific findings to the participants, and explained the strategies for young people's interaction with social phenomena.

It is worth mentioning that in the opening ceremony of this meeting, Mr. Majid Kamrani, the cultural advisor of our country, while welcoming the participants of this meeting, announced that today children and youth are seriously in danger and need continuous support, guidance and enlightenment from parents, especially mothers. Awareness based on science and knowledge, as well as understanding the realities of today's society and their needs, can be of great help to get out of this problem.


September 2024

Cultural Consultation of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nigeria



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