• Jan 18 2025 - 11:16
  • 52
  • Study time : 2 minute(s)
Holding a specialized course titled:

Introduction to Islamic Principles of Modern Trade in the World

In order to introduce and promote pure Islamic thoughts and ideas in the target society, particularly within the Muslim community of Nigeria, the Cultural Advisory Office of our Embassy in Nigeria has initiated the organization of short-term and practical courses on this subject. With careful planning, the eighth course in this series, titled "Introduction to Islamic Principles of Modern Trade in the World," has begun at the request of numerous Shiite individuals, especially members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria.

In order to introduce and promote pure Islamic thoughts and ideas in the target society, particularly within the Muslim community of Nigeria, the Cultural Advisory Office of our Embassy in Nigeria has initiated the organization of short-term and practical courses on this subject. With careful planning, the eighth course in this series, titled "Introduction to Islamic Principles of Modern Trade in the World," has begun at the request of numerous Shiite individuals, especially members of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria.

This course is being held in close cooperation with the General Directorate of Scientific and Academic Cooperation of the Islamic Culture and Communications Organization, as well as Baqir al-Ulum University in Qom and the Cultural and Scientific Affairs Department of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria, with the participation of experienced professors fluent in English.

During the opening ceremony of this course, Mr. Majid Kamrani, our Cultural Advisor in Nigeria, expressed his gratitude and appreciation to the professors and educational staff of Baqir al-Ulum University in Qom, Dr. Sajedi, the esteemed head of the International Affairs Department of this university, and Dr. Othman Yusha, the scientific and academic representative of the Islamic Movement, who coordinated this course in Nigeria.

The Cultural Advisor emphasized the importance of enhancing knowledge in the field of Islamic teachings through the organization of such courses and continuous academic discussions between different communities, including Islamic Iran. He stated that one of the main duties of this advisory office is to develop and spread the rich culture of Islam and Shi'ism to the world. He also highlighted the importance of educating Nigerian Shi'ahs about the principles of modern trade to earn halal livelihoods and instilling this culture in the Shi'ah community in Nigeria. He stressed the necessity of strengthening the economic and financial foundations of the Shi'ah community and their involvement in modern trade while adhering to religious principles in today's world. He further emphasized that this effort would contribute to the promotion and spread of the noble culture of the Ahl al-Bayt (peace be upon them) worldwide.

It is worth noting that this course, with the presence of Hujjat al-Islam Dr. Ali Akbar Shiriati from Baqir al-Ulum University in Qom, will be held every Saturday and Sunday for one and a half months.

January 2025
Cultural Advisory Office of the Islamic Republic of Iran in Nigeria

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