Make our life Quranic (Surah Ankabut)
Make our life Quranic (Surah Ankabut)
Make our life QuranicMake our life Quranic (Surah Ankabut) (Surah Ankabut)

Surah Ankabut
بسْم اللّـه الرّحْمـٰن الرّحیم
أحسب النّاس أن یتْرکوا أن یقولوا آمنّا وهمْ لا یفْتنون
ولقدْ فتنّا الّذین من قبْلهمْ ۖ فلیعْلمنّ اللّـه الّذین صدقوا ولیعْلمنّ الْکاذبین
“In the Name of Allah, the All-Beneficent, the All-Merciful.”
“Alif, Laam, Meem.”
“Do the people suppose that they will be let off because they say, ‘We have faith,’ and they will not be tested?”
“Certainly We tested those who were before them. So Allah shall surely ascertain those who are truthful, and He shall surely ascertain the liars.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. Faith cannot be proved through claims and slogans but has to be tested through trials and tribulation. A person should show in practice that he is prepared to embark on any form of self-sacrifice for safeguarding faith.
2. Divine test has been among the fixed divine laws throughout history and everyone, whether believer or not, has been tested in various manners. The rich is tested with wealth, the poor with poverty, the ruler with how they use their power, and the weak with how they behave in their state of weakness regarding faith.
ayahs 4 and 5 of Surah Ankabut:
أمْ حسب الّذین یعْملون السّیّئات أن یسْبقونا ۚ ساء ما یحْکمون
من کان یرْجو لقاء اللّـه فإنّ أجل اللّـه لآتٍ ۚ وهو السّمیع الْعلیم
“Do those who commit misdeeds suppose that they can outmaneuver Us? Evil is the judgement that they make.”
“Whoever expects to encounter Allah [should know that] Allah’s [appointed] time will indeed come, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. Indulgence in sin and continuing a sinful life without repentance or reform destroys the human soul and makes such a person drift away from the mercy of God.
2. Wrongdoers should not become proud with the respite God has given tem, since all opportunities abruptly end and the Day of Resurrection will certainly come. The righteous people should not give up patience and endurance since Divine Promise is true.
ayahs 6 and 7 of Surah Ankabut:
ومن جاهد فإنّما یجاهد لنفْسه ۚ إنّ اللّـه لغنیٌّ عن الْعالمین
والّذین آمنوا وعملوا الصّالحات لنکفّرنّ عنْهمْ سیّئاتهمْ ولنجْزینّهمْ أحْسن الّذی کانوا یعْملون
“Whoever strives, strives only for his own sake. Indeed Allah has no need of the creatures.”
“As for those who have faith and do righteous deeds, We will absolve them of their misdeeds and We will surely reward them by the best of what they used to do.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. The purpose of jihad in this ayah is not only striving with weapons against the enemies, but making efforts for self-building and self-reform in order to defeat the conspiracies of the enemies in the political, economic and cultural fields. All these are forms of jihad.
2. If we have faith and do righteous deeds; God will forgive our mistakes and reward our good deeds in the best way.
ayahs 8 and 9 of Surah Ankabut:
ووصّیْنا الْإنسان بوالدیْه حسْنًا ۖ وإن جاهداک لتشْرک بی ما لیْس لک به علْمٌ فلا تطعْهما ۚ إلیّ مرْجعکمْ فأنبّئکم بما کنتمْ تعْملون
والّذین آمنوا وعملوا الصّالحات لندْخلنّهمْ فی الصّالحین
“We have enjoined man to be good to his parents. But if they urge you to ascribe to Me as partner that of which you have no knowledge, then do not obey them. To Me will be your return, whereat I will inform you concerning that which you used to do.”
“Those who have faith and do righteous deeds, We will surely admit them among the righteous.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. Kindness towards parents is a humanitarian act and part of innate human nature, which means whether Muslim or non-Muslims the parents should be treated with respect.
2. Invitation to polytheism is actually invitation toward ignorance, evil and sins, in view of the fact that idol-worship and refusal to believe in the One and Only Creator has no intellectual and scientific basis.
3. Those who have faith, tread the right path, and do good deeds, will be entitled to the bliss of paradise in afterlife.
ayahs 8 and 9 of Surah Ankabut:
ومن النّاس من یقول آمنّا باللّـه فإذا أوذی فی اللّـه جعل فتْنة النّاس کعذاب اللّـه ولئن جاء نصْرٌ مّن رّبّک لیقولنّ إنّا کنّا معکمْ ۚ أولیْس اللّـه بأعْلم بما فی صدور الْعالمین
ولیعْلمنّ اللّـه الّذین آمنوا ولیعْلمنّ الْمنافقین
“Among the people there are those who say, ‘We have faith in Allah,’ but if such a one is tormented in Allah’s cause, he takes persecution by the people for Allah’s punishment. Yet if there comes any help from your Lord, they will say for sure, ‘We were indeed with you.’ Does not Allah know best what is in the breasts of the creatures?”
“Allah shall surely ascertain those who have faith, and He shall surely ascertain the hypocrites.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. Some pretend to be believers, while their hearts are full of disbelief, and these are the hypocrites.
2. True believers are ready to endure hardships, even at the risk of life and limb, while the weak of faith consider any hardship as punishment from God and begin to lose faith in the All-Merciful.
3. Hypocrites are opportunists. They leave the scene when they are in danger, while in times of ease and comfort, they pretend to be with the faithful, for the obvious reason of favours from others.
ayahs 12 and 13 of Surah Ankabut:
وقال الّذین کفروا للّذین آمنوا اتّبعوا سبیلنا ولْنحْملْ خطایاکمْ وما هم بحاملین منْ خطایاهم مّن شیْءٍ ۖ إنّهمْ لکاذبون
ولیحْملنّ أثْقالهمْ وأثْقالًا مّع أثْقالهمْ ۖ ولیسْألنّ یوْم الْقیامة عمّا کانوا یفْترون
“The faithless say to the faithful, ‘Follow our way and we will bear [responsibility for] your iniquities.’ They will not bear anything of their iniquities. They are indeed liars.”
“But surely they will carry their own burdens and other burdens along with their own burdens, and they will surely be questioned on the Day of Resurrection concerning that which they used to fabricate.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. The enemies try every trick to deceive and seduce the faithful, including false promises.
2. Islam says God is just and fair, and knows very well as to who is the culprit.
3. The one who misleads others shares the burden of the sin and is responsible for the consequences of the sins of the misled, but this does not mean that the one who was misled in committing the sin will be absolved of the consequences of the wrong act he/she committed.
ayahs 14 and 15 of Surah Ankabut:
ولقدْ أرْسلْنا نوحًا إلىٰ قوْمه فلبث فیهمْ ألْف سنةٍ إلّا خمْسین عامًا فأخذهم الطّوفان وهمْ ظالمون
فأنجیْناه وأصْحاب السّفینة وجعلْناها آیةً لّلْعالمین
“Certainly We sent Noah to his people, and he remained with them for a thousand-less-fifty years. Then the flood overtook them while they were wrongdoers.”
“Then We delivered him and the occupants of the Ark, and made it a sign for all the nations.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. Propagation and training need patience, endurance and resistance.
2. Long life is possible if God Wills since He is the Creator.
3. If Noah lived for over two millenniums, then no one should have any doubt about the current 1,200 year long life of the Prophet of Islam’s 12th and Last Successor, Imam Mahdi (AS), who is in occultation and will appear in the end times as the savior of humanity.
4. The end of the sinners, who do not repent, is terrible in the transient life of this mortal world as well.
ayahs 16 and 17 of Surah Ankabut:
وإبْراهیم إذْ قال لقوْمه اعْبدوا اللّـه واتّقوه ۖ ذٰلکمْ خیْرٌ لّکمْ إن کنتمْ تعْلمون
إنّما تعْبدون من دون اللّـه أوْثانًا وتخْلقون إفْکًا ۚ إنّ الّذین تعْبدون من دون اللّـه لا یمْلکون لکمْ رزْقًا فابْتغوا عند اللّـه الرّزْق واعْبدوه واشْکروا له ۖ إلیْه ترْجعون
“And Abraham, when he said to his people, ‘Worship Allah and be wary of Him. That is better for you, should you know.”
“In fact, instead of Allah you worship idols, and you invent a lie. Indeed those whom you worship besides Allah have no control over your provision. So seek all [your] provision from Allah, and worship Him and thank Him, and to Him you shall be brought back.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. Worship of God without piety is useless.
2. It is an unforgiveable sin to worship idols and to deny the existence of God Almighty.
3. We should always be grateful to God for His blessings and worship Him alone, without ascribing any partners to Him.
ayah 18 of Surah Ankabut:
وإن تکذّبوا فقدْ کذّب أممٌ مّن قبْلکمْ ۖ وما على الرّسول إلّا الْبلاغ الْمبین
“And if you belie [the Prophet’s teaching], then [other] nations have belied [likewise] before you, and the Prophet’s duty is only to communicate in clear terms.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. Prophets do not force people to believe in God, since their duty is only to convey to them the Divine Commandments in clear terms, so as to arouse their conscience and save them from self-destruction.
2. Those who belie the Prophet do so at their own peril, and if they heed the words of the Divine Messengers, it will be to their own benefits and the blissful life of paradise in afterlife.
ayahs 19 and 20 of Surah Ankabut:
أولمْ یروْا کیْف یبْدئ اللّـه الْخلْق ثمّ یعیده ۚ إنّ ذٰلک على اللّـه یسیرٌ
قلْ سیروا فی الْأرْض فانظروا کیْف بدأ الْخلْق ۚ ثمّ اللّـه ینشئ النّشْأة الْآخرة ۚ إنّ اللّـه علىٰ کلّ شیْءٍ قدیرٌ
“Have they not regarded how Allah originates the creation? Then He will bring it back. That is indeed easy for Allah.”
“Say, ‘Travel over the land and then observe how He has originated the creation.’ Then Allah shall bring about the genesis of the Hereafter. Indeed Allah has power over all things.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. The holy Qur’an invites mankind to think and ponder over the world of creation in order to understand how God has originated each and everything.
2. Creation is the manifestation of the Infinite Knowledge and Power of God in giving life and death to creatures.
3. Islam calls for traveling to different places in order study the world of nature and discover the facts, for better cognizance of the Majesty of God.
4. Since God is the Creator, it is easy for Him to recreate and restore everything to its original form, shape, and size, and this explains the logic of the Day of Resurrection.
ayahs 21 and 22 of Surah Ankabut:
یعذّب من یشاء ویرْحم من یشاء ۖ وإلیْه تقْلبون
وما أنتم بمعْجزین فی الْأرْض ولا فی السّماء ۖ وما لکم مّن دون اللّـه من ولیٍّ ولا نصیرٍ
“He will punish whomever He wishes and have mercy on whomever He wishes, and to Him you will be returned.”
“You cannot thwart Him on the earth or in the sky, nor do you have besides Allah any guardian or any helper.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. The Qur’an speaks of reward and punishment in order to help us mold our life as per the commandments of God, by studying the precedents set by the pious and pondering on the terrible fate of the disbelievers and oppressors.
2. God’s Will is based on Divine Justice and there is not even an iota of oppression in whatever out Loving Creator does.
3. Not even science and technology and powers of creation and destruction that humans acquire, can stand before God’s Will, since it is He Who is the Creator of the entire universe, including us and our thoughts and intentions.
ayah 23 of Surah Ankabut:
والّذین کفروا بآیات اللّـه ولقائه أولـٰئک یئسوا من رّحْمتی وأولـٰئک لهمْ عذابٌ ألیمٌ
“Those who deny the signs of Allah and the encounter with Him, they have despaired of My mercy, and for such there is a painful punishment.”
From this ayah we learn that:
1. Divine mercy is all-encompassing and everyone can benefit from it, but disbelief closes the doors of hope and salvation.
2. The only group deprived of the God’s all-encompassing mercy are the disbelievers.
s ayah 24 of Surah Ankabut:
فما کان جواب قوْمه إلّا أن قالوا اقْتلوه أوْ حرّقوه فأنجاه اللّـه من النّار ۚ إنّ فی ذٰلک لآیاتٍ لّقوْمٍ یؤْمنون
“But the only answer of his people was that they said: ‘Kill him, or burn him.’ Then Allah delivered him from the fire. There are indeed signs in that for a people who have faith.”
From this ayah we learn that:
1. Theof enemies of religion is harassment, torture and execution. They are not seeking to understand the truth but they just try to preserve their wealth and power.
2. Numbers are not important, but what is important is faith, coupled with resolve, as Prophet Abraham proved by refusing to submit to the powerful disbelievers, by being fully confident in divine support.
3. The Will of God overcomes all and everything, including the elements of nature, which could be miraculously transformed, since it is He Who grants fire the power to burn and whenever He wishes, He takes away this power from the fire.
ayah 25 of Surah Ankabut:
وقال إنّما اتّخذْتم مّن دون اللّـه أوْثانًا مّودّة بیْنکمْ فی الْحیاة الدّنْیا ۖ ثمّ یوْم الْقیامة یکْفر بعْضکم ببعْضٍ ویلْعن بعْضکم بعْضًا ومأْواکم النّار وما لکم مّن نّاصرین
“He said, ‘You have taken idols [for worship] besides Allah for the sake of [mutual] affection amongst yourselves in the life of the world. Then on the Day of Resurrection you will disown one another and curse one another, and the Fire will be your abode, and you will not have any helpers.”
From this ayah we learn that:
1. The unity of community and its identity should be based on correct belief, truth, logic, facts and realities, and not like the polytheists who identify themselves with a particular idol that is nothing but the imagination of their warped mind.
2. Resurrection is a reality and we should be prepared for that day by being obedient to the commandments of God.
3. Any form of friendship not based on faith and truth will soon turn to enmity and hostility.
ayah 26 of Surah Ankabut:
فآمن له لوطٌ ۘ وقال إنّی مهاجرٌ إلىٰ ربّی ۖ إنّه هو الْعزیز الْحکیم
“Thereupon Lot believed in him, and he said, ‘Indeed I am migrating toward my Lord. Indeed He is the All-mighty, the All-wise.”
From this ayah we learn that:
1. Prophets are not like kings who seek to eliminate each other and increase power but they think of strengthening each other and spreading the message of God amongst the people.
2. The men of God are not attached to any particular place, and they migrate for the sake of God whenever circumstances require.
ayah 27 of Surah Ankabut:
ووهبْنا له إسْحاق ویعْقوب وجعلْنا فی ذرّیّته النّبوّة والْکتاب وآتیْناه أجْره فی الدّنْیا ۖ وإنّه فی الْآخرة لمن الصّالحین
“And We gave him Isaac and Jacob, and We ordained among his descendants prophethood and the Book, and We gave him his reward in the world, and in the Hereafter he will indeed be among the Righteous.”
From this ayah we learn that:
1. A pious and righteous child is a divine blessing granted to God-fearing persons.
2. In Islam there is prosperity for the true believers, both in life and in the Hereafter, which means one should not give up the world for the Hereafter.
ayahs 28 and 29 of Surah Ankabut:
ولوطًا إذْ قال لقوْمه إنّکمْ لتأْتون الْفاحشة ما سبقکم بها منْ أحدٍ مّن الْعالمین
أئنّکمْ لتأْتون الرّجال وتقْطعون السّبیل وتأْتون فی نادیکم الْمنکر ۖ فما کان جواب قوْمه إلّا أن قالوا ائْتنا بعذاب اللّـه إن کنت من الصّادقین
“And Lot, when he said to his people, ‘You indeed commit an indecency none in the world has ever committed before you!”
“What! Do you come to men, and cut off the way, and commit outrages in your gatherings?’ But the only answer of his people was that they said, ‘Bring us Allah’s punishment should you be truthful.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. Religious leaders are not just responsible for inviting people to God and monotheism, but they also campaign against sins, corruption and social ills, in order to promote virtue.
2. When corruption spreads in the society, the virtuous should not keep aloof by saying this is none of our business, since we do not indulge in evil.
3. God has created men and women for each other, and thus the unnatural practices of sodomy and lesbianism are abominable sins.
4. When sins break out of privacy and are committed openly in public, offending the society, then these evil practices should be suppressed and eradicated.
ayah 30 of Surah Ankabut:
قال ربّ انصرْنی على الْقوْم الْمفْسدین
“He said, ‘My Lord! Help me against this corruptive lot.”
From this ayah we learn that:
1. Sodomy and lesbianism are abominable sins and cause corruption on earth, and should be decisively dealt with.
2. With God’s help good persons should stand firm and promulgate divine laws in society by eradicating evils practices.
ayahs 31 and 32 of Surah Ankabut:
ولمّا جاءتْ رسلنا إبْراهیم بالْبشْرىٰ قالوا إنّا مهْلکو أهْل هـٰذه الْقرْیة ۖ إنّ أهْلها کانوا ظالمین
قال إنّ فیها لوطًا ۚ قالوا نحْن أعْلم بمن فیها ۖ لننجّینّه وأهْله إلّا امْرأته کانتْ من الْغابرین
“And when Our messengers came to Abraham with the good news, they said, ‘We are indeed going to destroy the people of this town. Its people are indeed wrongdoers.”
“He (Abraham) said, ‘Lot is indeed in it.’ They said, ‘We know better those who are in it. We will surely deliver him and his family, except his wife: she shall be one of those who remain behind.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. God gives tidings to the virtuous and warns the vicious about divine wrath, which is the result of their own misdeeds.
2. Unnatural sexual behaviour, whether sodomy or lesbianism, is highly deplorable and deserves punishment, irrespective of the weird laws of the modern western societies to try to legalize and justify these sordid homosexual practices as gay rights.
3. If sins corrupt the whole society, then such a society should fear the wrath of God and make earnest efforts to repent and reform the people.
4. Even the wife of a Prophet is not safe from divine wrath if she deviates from faith and becomes the accomplice of evil persons.
ayahs 33, 34 and 35:
ولمّا أن جاءتْ رسلنا لوطًا سیء بهمْ وضاق بهمْ ذرْعًا وقالوا لا تخفْ ولا تحْزنْ ۖ إنّا منجّوک وأهْلک إلّا امْرأتک کانتْ من الْغابرین
إنّا منزلون علىٰ أهْل هـٰذه الْقرْیة رجْزًا مّن السّماء بما کانوا یفْسقون
ولقد تّرکْنا منْها آیةً بیّنةً لّقوْمٍ یعْقلون
“And when Our messengers came to Lot, he was distressed on their account and in a predicament for their sake. But they said, ‘Do not be afraid, nor grieve! We shall deliver you and your family, except your wife: she will be one of those who remain behind.”
“We are indeed going to bring down upon the people of this town a punishment from the sky because of the transgressions they used to commit.”
“Certainly We have left of it a manifest sign for a people who apply reason.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. If the whole society becomes corrupt; such a place won’t be safe for pious and God-fearing people, who are naturally anxious about the proper upbringing of their children.
2. It is the duty of the host to honour his guests and protect their dignity.
3. The true believers cannot be indifferent to deviation, corruption, sins and oppression in society, and should firmly oppose such evil, or else leave the place.
4. Mere family links and relationship with the pious and virtuous people does not guarantee salvation – neither in this world nor in afterlife – as is evident by the fate of the erring wife of Prophet Lot.
5. The account of Prophet Lot shows us that hell is the destination of a devious and deceitful wife, while paradise is the place of eternal bliss for Asiyah, the monotheist and virtuous wife of the tyrant Pharaoh.
ayahs 36 and 37 of Surah Ankabut:
وإلىٰ مدْین أخاهمْ شعیْبًا فقال یا قوْم اعْبدوا اللّـه وارْجوا الْیوْم الْآخر ولا تعْثوْا فی الْأرْض مفْسدین
فکذّبوه فأخذتْهم الرّجْفة فأصْبحوا فی دارهمْ جاثمین
“And to Midian We sent Shuʿayb, their brother. He said, ‘O my people! Worship Allah, and expect [to encounter] the Last Day, and do not act wickedly on the earth causing corruption.”
“But they belied him, whereupon the earthquake seized them, and they lay lifeless prostrate in their homes.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1- Monotheism and Resurrection are at the top of the mission of the Prophets of God.
2- The Prophets deal with the people in a friendly and fraternal manner, and their sole goal is to prevent mankind from self-destruction.
3- The mere indulgence in sins does not incur divine wrath, but it is insistence upon sins, ridiculing of the message of God, refusing to repent and reform, and persecution of the saints that make a nation liable for divine punishment.
ayah 38 of Surah Ankabut:
وعادًا وثمود وقد تّبیّن لکم مّن مّساکنهمْ ۖ وزیّن لهم الشّیْطان أعْمالهمْ فصدّهمْ عن السّبیل وکانوا مسْتبْصرین
“And Āad and Thamoud, [whose fate] is evident to you from their habitations. Satan made their deeds seem decorous to them, thus he barred them from the way [of Allah], though they used to be perceptive.”
From this ayah we learn that:
1. The ruins of the past civilizations that dot many parts of the Earth, could serve as eye-openers for people with a grain of conscience, enabling them to reflect on the terrible fate that befell once powerful nations, and how to avoid diving punishment by heeding the guidelines of divine Prophets.
2. Satan, who is the avowed enemy of the human race, makes mankind indulge in sins and disobedience of the commandments of God Almighty, by making pleasures of the flesh and other immoral acts, appear beautiful, thereby depriving them of conscience and proper perception.
3. Among the sins which the ever-deceiving devil makes decorous for human beings are pride, superiority-complex, flaunting of wealth, abuse of power, and indulgence in such abominable behaviour as promiscuity, sodomy, lesbianism, and other unnatural and illicit sexual behaviours.
ayahs 39 and 40 of Surah Ankabut:
وقارون وفرْعوْن وهامان ۖ ولقدْ جاءهم مّوسىٰ بالْبیّنات فاسْتکْبروا فی الْأرْض وما کانوا سابقین
فکلًّا أخذْنا بذنبه ۖ فمنْهم مّنْ أرْسلْنا علیْه حاصبًا ومنْهم مّنْ أخذتْه الصّیْحة ومنْهم مّنْ خسفْنا به الْأرْض ومنْهم مّنْ أغْرقْنا ۚ وما کان اللّـه لیظْلمهمْ ولـٰکن کانوا أنفسهمْ یظْلمون
“And Korah, Pharaoh, and Hāmān. Certainly Moses brought them manifest proofs, but they acted arrogantly in the land; though they could not outmaneuver [Allah].”
“So We seized each [of them] for his sin: among them were those upon whom We unleashed a rain of stones, and among them were those who were seized by the Cry, and among them were those whom We caused the earth to swallow, and among them were those whom We drowned. It was not Allah who wronged them, but it was they who used to wrong themselves.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. Wealth, power, and craftiness cannot avert divine punishment.
2. God has granted free will to man to discern and follow the right path, and it is man himself who brings about his own destruction by indulging in sins.
ayahs 41 and 42 of Surah Ankabut:
مثل الّذین اتّخذوا من دون اللّـه أوْلیاء کمثل الْعنکبوت اتّخذتْ بیْتًا ۖ وإنّ أوْهن الْبیوت لبیْت الْعنکبوت ۖ لوْ کانوا یعْلمون
إنّ اللّـه یعْلم ما یدْعون من دونه من شیْءٍ ۚ وهو الْعزیز الْحکیم
“The parable of those who take guardians instead of Allah is that of the spider that takes a home, and indeed the frailest of homes is the home of a spider, had they known!”
“Allah indeed knows whatever thing they invoke besides Him, and He is the All-Mighty, the All-Wise.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. Parables are among the methods of God Almighty for clarifying facts to mankind, so that it would be easy to understand.
2. Real faith in monotheism is based on firm foundations which no power can shake while polytheism and atheism are like the cobwebs that are easily wiped out.
3. We should trust the One and Only God, who is Invincible and All-Wise.
ayahs 43 and 44 of Surah Ankabut:
وتلْک الْأمْثال نضْربها للنّاس ۖ وما یعْقلها إلّا الْعالمون
خلق اللّـه السّماوات والْأرْض بالْحقّ ۚ إنّ فی ذٰلک لآیةً لّلْمؤْمنین
“And We draw these parables for mankind; but no one grasps them except those who have knowledge.”
“Allah created the heavens and the earth with reason. There is indeed a sign in that for the faithful.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. The parables in the holy Qur’an are full of meaning, and help us understand the facts of life and creation, when we proper reflect upon them.
2. The world has been created for a specific goal and has a purpose behind; which means the creation of universe, life, and the human race, which is the best of creation, is not something accidental or haphazard.
ayah 45 of Surah Ankabut:
اتْل ما أوحی إلیْک من الْکتاب وأقم الصّلاة ۖ إنّ الصّلاة تنْهىٰ عن الْفحْشاء والْمنکر ۗ ولذکْر اللّـه أکْبر ۗ واللّـه یعْلم ما تصْنعون
“Recite what has been revealed to you of the Book, and maintain the prayer. Indeed the prayer prevents indecencies and wrongs, and the remembrance of Allah is surely greater. And Allah knows whatever [deeds] you do.”
From this ayah we learn that:
1. Recitation of the holy Qur’an and punctual performance of the daily ritual prayers top the educational programs of Islam.
2. The holy Qur’an explains to us the philosophy and wisdom of several Islamic injunctions including the daily ritual prayer which keeps believers away from impurities, by increasing attention towards God.
3. Doing good deeds like recitation of the holy Qur’an and holding of prayers naturally keep human away from evil deeds.
4. Prayer plays a great role in reforming the person and the society.
ayah 46 of Surah Ankabut:
ولا تجادلوا أهْل الْکتاب إلّا بالّتی هی أحْسن إلّا الّذین ظلموا منْهمْ ۖ وقولوا آمنّا بالّذی أنزل إلیْنا وأنزل إلیْکمْ وإلـٰهنا وإلـٰهکمْ واحدٌ ونحْن له مسْلمون
“Do not dispute with the People of the Book except in a manner which is best, barring such of them as are wrongdoers, and say, ‘We believe in that which has been sent down to us and has been sent down to you; our God and your God is one [and the same], and to Him do we submit.”
From this ayah we learn that:
1. In discussion with the followers of the creeds, we should refrain from insulting and ridiculing them. These talks should be based on reasoning and logic.
2. Exchange of views and proper discussion among followers of Divine religions and that too on the basis of commonalities has been recommended by Islam.
3. The claim to faith in God and Prophets is not sufficient, but one should precisely follow their instruction and submit to Divine commandments.
ayah 47 of Surah Ankabut:
وکذٰلک أنزلْنا إلیْک الْکتاب ۚ فالّذین آتیْناهم الْکتاب یؤْمنون به ۖ ومنْ هـٰؤلاء من یؤْمن به ۚ وما یجْحد بآیاتنا إلّا الْکافرون
“Thus have We sent down the Book to you; and those to whom We have given the Book believe in it, and of these there are some who believe in it, and none contests Our signs except the faithless.”
From this ayah we learn that:
1. While respecting the books of previous Prophets, the holy Quran invites the followers of other religions to Islam.
2. The one who submits to God is called Muslim, which the one who completely accepts the truth of divine commandments.
ayahs 48 and 49 of Surah Ankabut:
وما کنت تتْلو من قبْله من کتابٍ ولا تخطّه بیمینک ۖ إذًا لّارْتاب الْمبْطلون
بلْ هو آیاتٌ بیّناتٌ فی صدور الّذین أوتوا الْعلْم ۚ وما یجْحد بآیاتنا إلّا الظّالمون
“You did not use to recite any scripture before it, nor did you write it with your right hand, for then the beliers would have been skeptical.”
“Rather it is [present as] manifest signs in the breasts of those who have been given knowledge, and none contests Our signs except wrongdoers.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. The personality of the Prophet of Islam and the proof that he was not taught by anyone, confirms the divine nature of the holy Qur'an, which no human being could compose or write.
2. Those who are really people of knowledge understand the righteousness of the holy Qur'an with all their heart.
ayahs 50 and 51 of Surah Ankabut:
وقالوا لوْلا أنزل علیْه آیاتٌ مّن رّبّه ۖ قلْ إنّما الْآیات عند اللّـه وإنّما أنا نذیرٌ مّبینٌ
أولمْ یکْفهمْ أنّا أنزلْنا علیْک الْکتاب یتْلىٰ علیْهمْ ۚ إنّ فی ذٰلک لرحْمةً وذکْرىٰ لقوْمٍ یؤْمنون
"They say, ‘Why has not some sign been sent down to him from his Lord?’ Say, ‘The signs are only with Allah, and I am only a Manifest Warner."
"Does it not suffice them that We have sent down to you the Book which is recited to them? There is indeed a mercy and admonition in that for a people who have faith."
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. The Qur'an is the Living Miracle of Last and Greatest Prophet, and hence universal and for all mankind.
2. In every age, the holy Qur’an, as God's Final Revelation to mankind, continues to respond to all spiritual needs of human beings, who, if they properly use their God-given intellect, can easily comprehend its contents.
3. The holy Qur’an prevents mankind from falling into ignorance by opening the doors of infinite mercy.
ayahs 52 and 53 of Surah Ankabut:
قلْ کفىٰ باللّـه بیْنی وبیْنکمْ شهیدًا ۖ یعْلم ما فی السّماوات والْأرْض ۗ والّذین آمنوا بالْباطل وکفروا باللّـه أولـٰئک هم الْخاسرون
ویسْتعْجلونک بالْعذاب ۚ ولوْلا أجلٌ مّسمًّى لّجاءهم الْعذاب ولیأْتینّهم بغْتةً وهمْ لا یشْعرون
"Say, ‘Allah suffices as a Witness between me and you: He knows whatever there is in the heavens and the earth. Those who put faith in falsehood and defy Allah, —it is they who are the losers."
"They ask you to hasten the punishment. Yet were it not for a specified time, the punishment would have surely overtaken them. Surely it will overtake them suddenly while they are unaware."
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. It is the disbelievers who are the real losers, even if they think themselves to be smart and continue to ridicule the words of God and faith, while the real success is for the true believers.
2. God confirms the honesty and integrity of Prophet Mohammad (blessing of God upon him and his progeny).
3. The All-Merciful God is not in haste in sending down punishment for the obstinate disbelievers, and has specified time for everything, in order to give ample time for the wrongdoers to repent, reform and rectify their ways.
ayahs 54 and 55 of Surah Ankabut:
یسْتعْجلونک بالْعذاب وإنّ جهنّم لمحیطةٌ بالْکافرین
یوْم یغْشاهم الْعذاب من فوْقهمْ ومن تحْت أرْجلهمْ ویقول ذوقوا ما کنتمْ تعْملون
"They ask you to hasten the punishment, and indeed hell will besiege the faithless."
"On the day when the punishment envelopes them, from above them and from under their feet, and He will say, ‘Taste what you used to do!"
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. The delay in divine punishment is proof of the fact that God the All-Merciful gives ample time for disbelievers and sinners to repent and reform.
2. Divine Punishment and the fires of hell in afterlife, are the result and manifestation of one's own sinful deeds committed during the transient life of the world, without bothering to seek forgiveness from the Lord Most High.
ayahs 56 and 57 of Surah Ankabut:
یا عبادی الّذین آمنوا إنّ أرْضی واسعةٌ فإیّای فاعْبدون
کلّ نفْسٍ ذائقة الْموْت ۖ ثمّ إلیْنا ترْجعون
“O My servants who have faith! My earth is indeed vast. So worship [only] Me.”
“Every soul shall taste death. Then you shall be brought back to Us.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. In choosing the place of domicile, pay serious attention to the preservation of your religion and faith.
2. Among the duties of true believers is to migrate for safeguarding of faith when the situation warrants.
3. Those who sacrifice their faith for the sake of undue attachment to their hometown or homeland, their excuse will not be accepted by God on the Day of Judgement.
4. Everyone soul tastes death and none can escape it; so it is necessary to plan for the lasting benefits of faith in afterlife for preserving your faith.
ayahs 58 and 59 of Surah Ankabut:
والّذین آمنوا وعملوا الصّالحات لنبوّئنّهم مّن الْجنّة غرفًا تجْری من تحْتها الْأنْهار خالدین فیها ۚ نعْم أجْر الْعاملین
الّذین صبروا وعلىٰ ربّهمْ یتوکّلون
“Those who have faith and do righteous deeds, We will surely settle them in lofty abodes of paradise with streams running in them, to remain in them [forever]. How excellent is the reward of the workers!”
“Those who are patient and who put their trust in their Lord.”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. The condition of access to paradise and its blessings is doing of righteous deeds.
2. What the faithful sacrifice in this world for preserving their faith, God compensates them in afterlife with blessings and benefits that are everlasting and more excellent than what was available during the transient life of the mortal world.
3. Patience and perseverance are the keys for overcoming problems and achieving successes in various stages of life. It is evident that the faithful who are always subjected to harassment by the enemies endure more than others.
ayah 60 of Surah Ankabut:
وکأیّن مّن دابّةٍ لّا تحْمل رزْقها اللّـه یرْزقها وإیّاکمْ ۚ وهو السّمیع الْعلیم
“How many an animal there is that does not carry its own provision. Allah provides for it, and for you, and He is the All-Hearing, the All-Knowing.”
From this ayah we learn that:
1. Migrants for the sake of preserving their faith should not worry about their sustenance, because God has promised them their livelihood, wherever they might be.
2. The true believer always relies on God and does not neglect his duties.
3. God, the One and Only Creator of the whole universe, has guaranteed the sustenance of all animals and humans.
ayah 61 of Surah Ankabut:
ولئن سألْتهم مّنْ خلق السّماوات والْأرْض وسخّر الشّمْس والْقمر لیقولنّ اللّـه ۖ فأنّىٰ یؤْفکون
“If you ask them, ‘Who created the heavens and the earth, and disposed the sun and the moon?’ They will surely say, ‘Allah.’ Then where do they stray?”
From this ayah we learn that:
1. In ideological discussions the emphasis should not on commonalities in order to convince the opponents, since at times, the shared belief of many of the polytheists with Muslims is their concept of One Supreme Being, God the Creator of the entire universe.
2. Distortion of truth is one of the dangers which threaten all, as is evident by the fact that many, although they acknowledge God, make the mistake of thinking that He has relegated authority to deities, idols, and saints. This is nothing but deviation from the truth, and against the teachings of the Prophet of Islam and the Infallible Imams of the Ahl al-Bayt.
ayah 62 of Surah Ankabut:
اللّـه یبْسط الرّزْق لمن یشاء منْ عباده ویقْدر له ۚ إنّ اللّـه بکلّ شیْءٍ علیمٌ
“Allah expands the provision for whomever He wishes of His servants, and tightens it for him. Indeed Allah has knowledge of all things.”
From this ayah we learn that:
1. It is incumbent for us to work and strive for livelihood, but it is the All-Wise God Alone Who determines the quantity of our provision and sustenance, whether it should be aplenty or straitened.
2. The apparent difference in enjoying sustenance and worldly blessings among people is a need of the society, as decreed by God, and beyond the power of even governments to guarantee equal provision for all. Of course, our efforts also play an important role in the procuring of our provision.
ayahs 63 and 64 of Surah Ankabut:
ولئن سألْتهم مّن نّزّل من السّماء ماءً فأحْیا به الْأرْض من بعْد موْتها لیقولنّ اللّـه ۚ قل الْحمْد للّـه ۚ بلْ أکْثرهمْ لا یعْقلون
وما هـٰذه الْحیاة الدّنْیا إلّا لهْوٌ ولعبٌ ۚ وإنّ الدّار الْآخرة لهی الْحیوان ۚ لوْ کانوا یعْلمون
“And if you ask them (the disbelievers): ‘Who sends down water from the sky, with which He revives the earth after its death?’ They will surely say, ‘Allah.’ Say, ‘All praise belongs to Allah!’ But most of them do not apply reason.”
“The life of this world is nothing but diversion and play, but the abode of the Hereafter is indeed Life, had they known!”
From these ayahs we learn that:
1. It is the proper cognizance of God that prevents a person from sins and indulging in the frivolities of life.
2. Most of people, although they acknowledge the power of God, pretend to be ignorant and do not want to think about the purpose of their own creation.
3. Negligence of the hereafter and the realities of life and the world, result in loss.
4. The real life is in the hereafter in which everyone is placed in his real place. There is no pain, suffering and oppression and no one’s right is trampled.
ayahs 65 and 66 of Surah Ankabut:
فإذا رکبوا فی الْفلْک دعوا اللّـه مخْلصین له الدّین فلمّا نجّاهمْ إلى الْبرّ إذا همْ یشْرکون
لیکْفروا بما آتیْناهمْ ولیتمتّعوا ۖ فسوْف یعْلمون
“When they board the ship, they invoke Allah putting exclusive faith in Him, but when He delivers them to land, behold, they ascribe partners [to Him],”
“Being ungrateful for what We have given them! So let them enjoy. Soon they will know!”
From these ayahs we learn that:
- Belief in the One and Only God is ingrained in human nature, and it is the evil of sins that deprives one of the proper use of the intellect resulting in the ingratitude, apostasy, sins, and self-destruction.
- Sincere supplications are answered by God Who even responds to the pleas of help of the atheists, the polytheists and infidels.
- Polytheism is a type of ingratitude to the favours of God and blessings of monotheism.
- The fruit of bad deeds is divine punishment, disgrace in life and the Hereafter, and all kinds of other miseries.
ayah 67 of Surah Ankabut:
أولمْ یروْا أنّا جعلْنا حرمًا آمنًا ویتخطّف النّاس منْ حوْلهمْ ۚ أفبالْباطل یؤْمنون وبنعْمة اللّـه یکْفرون
“Have they not seen that We have appointed a safe sanctuary, while the people are despoiled all around them? Would they then believe in falsehood and be ungrateful toward the blessing of Allah?”
From this ayah we learn that:
- The atmosphere of peace and security is among the great divine blessings, and gratitude in this regard warrants firm belief in the One and Only God by abstaining from atheism and polytheism.
- God favours should always be remembered in order to firm up faith.
ayah 68 of Surah Ankabut:
ومنْ أظْلم ممّن افْترىٰ على اللّـه کذبًا أوْ کذّب بالْحقّ لمّا جاءه ۚ ألیْس فی جهنّم مثْوًى لّلْکافرین
“Who is a greater wrongdoer than him who fabricates a lie against Allah, or denies the truth when it comes to him? Is not the [final] abode of the faithless in hell?”
From this ayah we learn that:
- The worst oppression is self-oppression by denying of truth and promotion of false and baseless ideas.
- Innovation in religious practices and attributing such forgery to God and the Prophet, are cardinal sins that the true believers should avoid.
Now we listen to ayah 69 of Surah Ankabut:
والّذین جاهدوا فینا لنهْدینّهمْ سبلنا ۚ وإنّ اللّـه لمع الْمحْسنین
“As for those who strive in Us, We shall surely guide them in Our ways, and Allah is indeed with the virtuous.”
From this ayah we learn that:
- God guides those who strive sincerely.
- It is not Jihad to destroy culture, society, and humanitarian values by falsely claiming to be Muslims.
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