Damgahan Recreation Resort

Damgahan Recreation Resort

Damgahan Recreation Resort

Damgahan is one of the pristine and special recreational areas in the desert province of Yazd. The existence of such a place with a pleasant climate in a province where most of its area is covered by hot and burning desert is quite interesting. Local people pronounce the name of this area in their own dialect as “Dun Gahun” or “Dum Gahun”.

Where Is Damgahan Located?

Damgahan Valley is located in Mehriz City and is considered one of the recreation areas of the people of this city. Mehriz is located in the south of Yazd city and consists of two arid and semi-arid regions. In the northwest of this city, especially on the slopes of Shirkuh, the amount of annual rain is higher and the climate of the region is semi-arid, but in the south and northeast of Mehriz, the dry climate prevails.

Damgahan is located in the southeast of the Shirkuh region. This area includes the Shirkuh peak with a height of 4075 meters. Although Shirkuh is usually referred to as a single peak, it should be considered a continuation of the central mountain range of Iran. Damgahan is also located in the northwest of Kalmand Bahadoran, one of the protected areas of Yazd Province. With an area of about 250,000 hectares, Kalmand is a suitable place for valuable species such as Bustard to lay their eggs and also a habitat for such animals as gazelle and zebra.

The geographical location of Damgahan has made this area one of the few areas of Yazd Province with rich biodiversity and vegetation. Damgahan has an area of nearly eight square kilometers. Geological studies show that the oldest geological formation in the region is related to the Mesozoic period and nearly 120 million years ago (Early Cretaceous). Other parts of this region mainly date back to the Cenozoic and Quaternary periods (from about 2.5 million years ago to now). The thick and very old limestone layers in the structure of Damgahan Valley provided the necessary conditions for the formation of caves in the highlands, but so far, no comprehensive study has yet been conducted on the caves of this region.

Animal and Plant Species of Damgahan

Animal and plant biodiversity of farms is very high. Damgahan should be considered one of the pristine and untouched natural areas, which is very valuable from the point of view of the ecosystem. According to the available reports, 175 plant species have been identified in this area. Among them, one species is vascular crypts and 174 species are crypts (142 dicotyledonous and 32 monocotyledonous species). The growth of native plants in Damgahan in spring gives indescribable beauty to the area and doubles the pleasure of being there.

About four decades ago, an artificial channel was built in the middle of the valley, which directs the spring water in the valley and the runoff from the rains to Mehriz to be used in agriculture. This same canal is known as the most important watering place for animals in the region and hosts animals such as deer, zebra, wildebeest, wild goat, ram, sheep, chinkara, leopard, cheetah, caracal, Pallas’s cat, common fox, Rüppell’s fox, jackal, Blandford’s fox, wolf, hyena, deer, rabbit, and different types of birds. The number of mammal species and birds in this area stands at 24 and 48 species respectively. In addition, several species of amphibians and reptiles have also been identified in Damgahan. In the last few years, mining activities, along with long-term droughts, have reduced the amount of water in the valley as a result of which its sensitive and fragile ecosystem is now facing problems.

National Register of Livestock Farms

Damgahan natural resort of Mehriz City was inscribed on the list of Iran’s natural heritage in the year 2020 AD. The inscription of this area was an attempt to protect its plant and animal species as much as possible and to monitor the area in terms of caving activities and documenting the caves in it. With the national inscription of this region on the list of Iran’s natural heritage, the mining and industrial activities that are a threat to the life of the species in the region have been limited and the monitoring of the existing species has increased.

Name Damgahan Recreation Resort
Country Iran
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