Maqbarat-o-Shoara (Mausoleum of Poets) of Tabriz

Maqbarat-o-Shoara (Mausoleum of Poets) of Tabriz

Maqbarat-o-Shoara (Mausoleum of Poets) of Tabriz

Tabriz has always had a prominent role in the culture and art of Iran. This city has been the birthplace of Azari Turkish literature and has presented many prominent writers and poets. Many of these literary figures are buried in the place that is now called “Maqbarat-o-Shoara (Mausoleum of Poets) of Tabriz”. In fact, Maqbarat-o-Shoara of Tabriz is a historical tomb, which was also known by such names as “Hazirah al-Shoara”, “Hazirah Al-Dhah”, and “Sorkhab Cemetery” in the past.


Maqbarat-o-Shoara is located in the Sorkhab neighborhood of Tabriz, which has been the residential area of nobles and literary figures of Tabriz since the distant past. The presence of famous historical sites such as Rab’- Rashidi, Tomb of Sayyid Hamzah, and Takyeh Haider in this neighborhood reflects its antiquity.

Maqbarat-o-Shoara has been the burial place of poets since the 11th century AD including such famous figures as Khaqani and Zahir-al-Din Faryabi. It seems that despite the importance of this tomb and the burial of famous figures in it, its name had not been mentioned in historical books written before the 13th century AD.

Being the capital of the Atabak Dynasty in the 11th century AD, Tabriz attracted many great poets who used to compose poetry and eulogies for the courtiers of the time. Many of these poets were buried in Maqbarat-o-Shoara after their demise, as a result of which this cemetery became the burial place of literary figures. During the Ilkhanate and Aq Qoyunlu eras, too, many poets resided in Tabriz.

The 19th-century earthquake damaged this tomb. But years later, a campaign was started to restore it. In 1971 AD Ettela’at and Kayhan dailies as well as Yaghma Magazine, which were among the most important publications of that period, published a call inviting designs for rebuilding this tomb, and eventually, a design presented by “Gholamreza Farzanmehr” was accepted. The construction of this site began a year later and was completed after the victory of the Islamic Revolution (1979 AD). Maqbarat-o-Shoara is, presently, one of the symbols of Tabriz.


This site has been built in the middle of a large cemetery using concrete and metal. The height of this tomb reaches 30 meters and its intertwined arches have given it a magnificent beauty. The combination of traditional and modern architectural elements in this tomb distinguishes it from other monuments.

The base of this monument is a little higher than the ground level and there is a large room in one corner where Mohammad Hossein Bahjat Tabrizi nicknamed “Shahriar” is buried. Shahriar is one of the great poets of Iran, whose poems, both in Azari and Persian languages, are very popular. The poem “Heydar Babayeh Salam” is one of Shahriar’s most famous poems, which has inspired many different artists to create literary works. Shahriar passed away in 1989 AD and was buried in Maqbarat-o-Shoara of Tabriz.

Prominent Personalities Buried in Maqbarat-o-Shoara of Tabriz

Apart from Shahriar and Khaghani, this tomb has been the burial place of other personalities, including Asadi Tousi who, according to historical accounts, was the first poet to be buried in this tomb, Qatran Tabrizi, the first Persian-speaking poet of Azarbaijan, and Anvari Abivardi, a famous scholar and poet of the Seljuk era (12th century).

Where Is Maqbarat-o-Shoara of Tabriz Located?

This tomb is located in the Sorkhab or “Sheshghelan” neighborhood at the intersection of Thaghatul-Eslam and Aref streets somewhere in the middle of Tabriz.

Maqbarat-o-Shoara of Tabriz was inscribed on the list of Iran’s national heritage in the year 1999.



Maqbarat-o-Shoara has been the burial place of poets since the 11th century AD including such famous figures as Khaqani and Zahir-al-Din Faryabi.

Name Maqbarat-o-Shoara (Mausoleum of Poets) of Tabriz
Country Iran
StateEast Azerbaijan
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