Certificate Course in Persian Language By Iran Culture House New Delhi

  • Start date : Jul 7 2023
  • End date : Sep 30 2023
  • Place : Iran Culture House New Delhi
  • Capacity : 50
Certificate Course in Persian Language By Iran Culture House New Delhi

Offline & Online Persian Classes with Newly designed Books Starting from 7th July , 2023 Certificate from Sa'adi Foundation, Iran Culture House, New Delhi For more information please contact Dr. Ali Raza Khan: 011-23075371, 9868927109 Registration form link & All Details regarding Persian classes Click the link given below : ���� https://forms.gle/NCr3mjD3qvZLSzff7

Offline & Online Persian Classes with Newly designed Books
Starting from 7th July , 2023
Certificate from Sa'adi Foundation, Iran Culture House, New Delhi
For more information please contact Dr. Ali Raza Khan: 011-23075371, 9868927109
Registration form link & All Details regarding Persian classes
 Click the link given below : ����

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