Cultural Components of the Islamic Revolution and its Role in the Revival of Islamic civilization

  • Event Status : برگزاری در آینده
  • Start date : Feb 10 2022
  • End date : Feb 10 2022
  • Place : Iran Culture House
  • Capacity : online
Cultural Components of the Islamic Revolution and its Role in the Revival of Islamic civilization

On the auspicious occasion of the 43rd Anniversary of Islamic Revolution Iran Culture House, New Delhi in Collaboration of Centre for Islamic Revolution Studies, University of Tehran is going to organize a Webinar on " Cultural Components of the Islamic Revolution and its Role in the Revival of Islamic civilization"

On the auspicious occasion of the 43rd Anniversary of Islamic Revolution Iran Culture House, New Delhi in Collaboration of Centre for Islamic Revolution Studies, University of Tehran is going to organize a

Webinar on

" Cultural Components of the Islamic Revolution and its Role in the Revival of Islamic civilization"

Speakers from Iran & India:

Dr. Mohammad Ali Rabbani, Cultural Counselor, I.R Iran- New Delhi

Dr. Mahmood Waezi, Dean Faculty of Theology, University of Tehran

Dr. Karim Najafi, V. C, Virtual University of Islamic World, Iran

Dr. Jahangiri, Editor -in Chief, Shia Studies, Tehran,

Prof. Azizuddin Husain Hamedani, Ex. Director Raza Rampur Library

Prof. Tayyyib Naqavi, HoD, Shia Theology, Aligarh Muslim University

Mehdi Baqar Khan, Persian Poet & Scholar, New Delhi


10th Feb. 2022, @: 4: Pm (Delhi Time) & 2: Pm (Tehran Time)


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