• May 26 2022 - 15:19
  • 487
  • Study time : 2 minute(s)

Africa Day marked with celebration of Ugandan creative legends at National Theatre Kampala

The official Launch of Abasa N'abasa,a theatrical production written by legendary theatre artist Christopher Mukiibi which was graced with the Iranian Cultural Consular

The official Launch of Abasa N'abasa,a theatrical production written by legendary theatre artist Christopher Mukiibi which was graced with the Iranian Cultural Consular.


This was organised by Uganda National Cultural Centre and Legends of theatre association on Africa Day at the National Theatre Kampala to celebrate Ugandan legends in the creative sector where different officials from Embassies, government, cultural institutions, Creative industry among others


There was exhibition of artifacts at the Cultural Gallery led by Mr. Noah Wamala Nyanzi and guests signed in the visitors’ book after the cultural tour and exhibiting cultural products


There was Cultural entertainment by The Planets Cultural Group to keep the audience alive and kicking


Welcoming remarks from Mr. Francis Ojede, Executive Director of Uganda national Cultural center welcomed invited guests, artists and officials especially the Iranian Cultural Consular, Mr. Abdollah Abbasi

He said that they have been celebrating creative art in this space for creativity and entertainment

He introduced different legends in the creative industry who among others was Christopher Mukiibi, Ali Sengooba and so on

He mentioned strategic partners such as the Cultural Consulate of the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Iran, French Embassy, UBC TV, House of Talents, National Cultural Forum and the ministry of Gender, Labour and social development


Presentation by Chairman of Legends of Theatre Association (LETHA), Christopher Mukiibi (83 years of age) gave a brief background of the creative industry wayback and shared challenges they faced while educating and entertaining the public

He said that they will continue to act and produce theatrical plays on stage

He called upon Ugandans and partners to support their new play which will be watched in 3rd June 2022.

It is not always that the phrase, old is gold, applies whenever the old is engaged. But veteran dramatist Christopher Mukiibi, deserved applause for his play Abasa Nabasa. ‘’I will remain in theatre because there is a lot that is not right’’, he says.



The Speaker of Buganda Kingdom, Honourable Patrick Luwagga Mugumbule who represented the Prime minister of Buganda Kingdom who recognised the Iranian Cultural Consular, Mr. Abdollah Abbasi as a special guest to the launching ceremony

On speaking, he beged the indulgence to speak before his planned time because of special duties

He officially launched The Two Mouseketeers titled "Abasa N'abasa" written by the legendary theatre artist Christopher Mukiibi who he recalls wayback

He said that he admires the charisma of Mukiibi and other Ugandan legends who have maintained a high standard of the creatives in Uganda






 The Iranian Cultural Consular,Mr. Abdollah Abbasi signing the Visitors' Book at Uganda National Cultural Centre







The speaker of Buganda Kingdom and Iranian Cultural Consular during the Cultural exhibition




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